
I had such a great day, but back in the back of My head, and that little soreness I feel in My heart exists because I got an email today.

My good friend’s ex-girlfriend had died Friday. He has been a damaged boy since she left him in LA a year ago and ran back to New York. There was an invisible teather between them despite the break up and distance. Before this happened he would give his prideful announcement that he wasn’t ging to put up with her crazy calls and all the roller coaster she put him on… it was obvious he was just hurting and heartbroken.

I have been trying to reach him on the phone just to give a nice refuge and tight hug, and try to help in whatever way I can. I imagine he has hidden away, perhaps with a bottle, no doubt with a sedative and tried to sleep the pain away. Poor baby. I know how much pain he was in over her moving back to NY, but I can’t begin to imagine how much pain he feels now that she has gone away for good, somewhere she can’t call from or come back from.

Hopefully he won’t allow it to suck his life from him, and maybe he will put the pain he feels into his music…

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