
Everyone is sick

Miss Veronica came over last night, originally to have Me answer questions with her for this film-school student’s film. This house turned into the infirmary…bundled up with 3 thick blankets and a bottle of NyQuil…too much tossing and turning and she went home.

She and the other ladies of the Dominion are the only thing I really miss. DOI seems more suited to Me, but it was always fun dashing out to get into to trouble with Drew, Edanya, Veronica, Morgan and Isobel…


Lol, how cute, people care

I am such a stubborn brat when it comes to getting sick.

Lolita asked if I wanted to go home. I tend to down play getting sick, but the last 2 days I spent all day sleeping due to My allergies to cigarettes always setting in a small respritory infection, then couple it with cold and My OCD work-a-holic nature.

Just a year and a half ago this lead to Me not knowing that I had come down with pnuemonia for over 3 or 4 months.

I will get all wound up in wanting to do things and refuse to acknowledge My body trying to lay Me out.

I have this obscene stubborn nature and defiant need to prove that I can physically over come and over power not just My subbies but My own body and nature itself. I usually refuse even asprin because I insist I am tougher than the pain. I know it is silly, but I just don’t like feeling weak to anything.


Mistress Genevieve on the Dr. Susan Block Show

Yes, that is right. My plans to go out to Threshold this Saturday have to be post-poned. My usual Saturday at Bar Sinister is not to happen as well.

I just got a message on Myspace today saying that the people from Dr. Suzy Block’s show have been trying to reach Me all day to come on the show this Saturday.

What an honor. I have seen her on HBO before. She is intelligent, campy and fun. I can just tell that this will be one for My memoirs.

I asked Mistress Lolita and Porche Lyn to accompany Me. Fun to be had by all.

Mistress Genevieve


I wanna Rock!

Suzanne Saunders and Eric Buchanan called Me today while I was at work. They are in LA and visiting from New Orleans. They are on the way over to take Me to Metal Skool. Suzanne was surprised to find out I am an old school butt rocker…oh yeah.

I am almost recovered from yesterday’s funk. I spent all day sleeping again so I am almost in the clear. My throat feels a lot better, no one smoked back in the room where I was.

I had a little phone fun today, but otherwise I didn’t play. That way I just farted about with no make-up, and still wearing My lazy slip dress. Infact, I am still in the lazy slipdress…hey, it looks nice enough for going out, without being any effort.

Porche Lyn was with us all day today. She own’s our sister dungeon in Phoenix, Arizona…maybe I will go guest out there for a change of pace every once in a while.

After I left DOI, our body building, wrestling Mistress Georgina took Me to sushi.

Well, I have just a little time to crawl under the covers for some TV before we head out.


Never leave the bed again

Yesterday I hardly left My bed. I have felt so ill from being around tons of smokers. I had spent all day watching the filming of a porno by David Aaron Clark. Everyone seemed to smoke, and My throat is very raw.

After watching the filming I got to see the private premier of Julie Simone’s new bondage film. Julie has some really hot rope work, but that wasn’t the only form of bondage she used. I liked that it was kind of creepy.

I realized rather late that there was only an hour left of Bar Sinister, and was glad that it was only a block away.

When I got home there was an added suprise…My brand new latex green medical uniform had arrived, and was on My bed!

Now it is Monday morning and I am off to DOI pretty soon. My phone has been ringing from My ads like crazy, but I slept the whole day away instead. I left My walking shoes at DOI on Saturday so I have to wear the Transmuters since all My other shoes are stilettos…

If I actually feel like it I might got to Metal Skool tonight at the Roxy. Maybe I should get Jail Bate Kate to go with Me too.


Co-dependancy in slave owning

Many dream of the perfect slave/owner relationship…one of devotion, disciple, function and feeling owned body mind and soul…
This is a beautiful fantasy, but the reality can easily become unhealthy co-dependancy. In a safe, sane, and consensual ideal this isn’t exactly sane.

Where is this line? Can one have a relationship that fulfills the fantasy and definition of the modern slave/owner relationship without co-dependancy?

It is understandable that a live-in slave might give up the outside world for his place as a slave…but what of those that keep a day job, their own home, their vanilla relations essential to functioning in the outside world.

When I left New Orleans I became aware for the first time that one of My slaves dedication to Me had gone a bit too far. When I went to his house for the first time ever it was the day I was leaving for LA…I was appauled by the disarray and disrepair. He had been in the middle of working on his house when he came to Me. When I commented about how it was awful and asked why he allowed his house to be as such he said,”I am always with you, and doing things for you.” This is terribly unhealthy. But in the slave/owner relationship how do you prevent this from happening, yet still be slave and owner.

Our relationship wasn’t formal and high protocol. I knew that he needed a friend as much if not more than a he needed a formal ownership…and I can only imagine that if I had been interested in a more formal relationship with him that this case would have been worse on him when I left.

I had known that he had no other life than Me, his work, his co-workers, and his cats…but had I known how he neglected his home to serve Me I would have been a bit disturbed.

As a slave owners/dominant we have a responsibility to push our slaves to better themselves not just in their service as a slave, but healthier physically, as well as mentally.

I am looking for a stable of dedicated slaves in LA…but I don’t think co-dependancy is healthy. Be it a friend, lover or slave…co-dependancy ends up taking more than it gives. It becomes emotionally taxing.

Is there a way to keep balance? In other types of relationships it is easy to identify co-depenency pretty early…but with slavery there is such a fine line.

Mistress Genevieve


Accidental refresher course-

I am usually a snob, but I should know better, especially being a Domme. People aren’t ever what they seem.

You would think in a rocker subculture they would not judge someone or ignore some one who was different because they are different from the outside world themselves…ha ha. I walked around unnoticed and even when I was social very few people would talk to Me. Tonight I was accidentally in conservative cognito.

As a prodomme in the “fetish” and goth/industrial scenes I meet prudes dressed as pervs everyday…and I meet conservative men with so much metal in their genitals and fetishes that most never would concieve of. I definitely should be used to this and not so entertained.

I even go to play parties where people think they are so kinky because they like spankings and bondage…and in my experience most vanilla people slap each other on the ass and pretend that it is totally different than BDSM, or that a foot fetishist is something wierd yet a breast man is some how not equally a fetishist. I got news for you…no matter where you are it is all the same.

If I had worn fetish clothes many of the same people would not have talked to Me , but then some would have also prejudged Me to be a slut and tried to take Me home… and that is no different than prejudging Me as a mousy prude.

Otherwise I did have a chat and spend a short bit with Tim Polecoat and MIss Conduct since they were familiar faces…and I met 2 people that weren’t too judgemental to speak to some one that looked out of place.. and those are the type of people worth talking to anyway.

The next time you think some one is a perv by the way they dress…you are probably wrong…and the next time you think you know someone as conservative…you might be surprised…it’s beautiful.

Infact it is one of the secrets of domination…people are so prejudice to image that you can manipulate someone by just dressing the part. If you look like the fantasy you can get them in subspace sooner than if you looked casual…unless their fantasy is to roleplay an experience that is based on the vanilla world.

If you are a very skilled Domme it is wonderful, but if you look like you aren’t kept, or just rolled out of bed the submissive will be harder to reach…and if you have mediocre skill, but look the part and talk a good game you can make as good an experience or better than the accomplished Domme who is too lazy to care about their appearance. (And truth be told a mediocre domme who can verbally work a submissive can get reach a slave better than an accomplished domme who is technically skilled yet doesn’t talk at all!)

That is the beauty of image, and the stupidity of any scene be it rocker, punk, goth or even preppy!
A intelligent person doesn’t define themself by their prefered image or taste in music (or any other thing associated with a stereotype). And a truly intelligent person uses their image to get what they want from the posers who don’t explore anything outside their genre, or is just dressed for themself which means their clothing changes with their mood and is sometimes inappropriate for a scene.

Tonight I was even amused that the DJ wouldn’t play his Cinderella album because it was cheesy. That was why I wanted to hear it… anyone that takes themselves serious is usually phoney…and if you can find humour in it or even appreciate the nastalgic value of such cheese then I believe you are authentically into the scene you are in, and I also know that at home you probably have musioc that you are ashamed to admit to!

My friends that limit themselves to one style of dress, or one type of scene usually get annoyed by My diversity and I get annoyed by their closeminded ness and it prevents us from being as close as we could be (uh, Craig!).


A day of changes

Due to a conflict of interest with My independant sessions and the Dominion we have agreed to part our working relationship. I am still friends with Hillary, and really close to the girls from there I hang out with.

I am going to meet with Lolita of Den of Iniquity tomorrow. It looks like I will be working there, which is a far more convient location in Hollywood…I live in Hollywood so this is great.

Right now I am getting all dolled up, waiting on Jail Bait Kate and we are headed to the Burgundy room.


How many wonderful days can come in a row…

Ah, I had so much fun today and it isn’t even over yet.
I had a humiliation session early in the day and fully rope bound the little bitch to the door of the jail cell. I was thinking about having him bound arms behind him and ass in the air, but I saw the door to the cell and was inspired…plus thinking of him being in the thigh high boots I made him wear, and that with his age his flexibility and stamina for such a strenuous pose didn’t seem safe. Mistress Dallas and Mistress Melanie came in and joined us in cameos. We were going to have Mistress Veronica join but she was in session almost non-stop today…poor girl didn’t even get to eat the Thia food we ordered for hours.

Then I had one wonderful (and even better attractive, fun, creative and animated) subby came for session. I had far too much fun… Drew looked so bored and I knew she would enjoy coming in to hang out and watch us play. There was so much fun in suspension and forced feeding of various intense flavors. The torture of so many sensations, but I must admit I like the direct energy and power exchanged from direct contact…toys are wonderful but lately I feel they dilute the energy exchanged in session.

Both sessions today left Me so high and lost in top space that I couldn’t think clearly when I was done.

After the first one I had a call about a sushi dinner to be enjoyed on Wednesday and I started zoning out on talking about restruants that weren’t even sushi bars…I just was so turned on and in the clouds from playing that I just wanted another boy to crawl to Me and suffer for My pleasure!

Where is this revival of My insatiable carnal and sadistic appetites coming from. It has been a long time since My aggressive nature was set this high…is it leaving the dark force that hovers above New Orleans?

Even My “special friend with privledges” has told Me he isn’t a machine lately.

And now with how I am just ready to take on the world, I am at Drew’s house getting ready to head out to Blue Monday…

What a great day.