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When we got to the club it was a slow start. R. and I thought we were at the wrong club at first because there was a private party in half the club. The club promotor told us he was supposed to have the whole club but they sprung this on him. R. is a friend of Vamp Dahlia who was the first person we encountered when getting out of the car.
It was fairly dead there when I saw Kumi walk in…We had corresponded on LJ for a while, but her post on line really don’t clue you in to this girl’s mind. I always knew she was going too college in the midst of her world travels as a fetish model, but this girl is freakin smart, extremely welll read, and so much more than a pretty face.
All week Angela and I hadn’t been able to hook up and hang out due to both of our busy lives so finally she walks into the club wearing one of the hottest latex nurse uniforms I have ever seen.
Miss Veronica shows up and I finally get to meet her boy, the boy she always talks about, and we get our feet really dirty to take pictures to treat him with since it is his little fetish. All the girls I miss so dearly from Dominion were there since it was right after the christmas party. Drew was a naughty naughty girl…her kisses swole My lip.
I turned around at one point and finally got to chat with Mistress Gemini in person for the first time since I got to LA, she had been in New York last we spoke on the phone. She was looking so cute and studious in her corporate white button up shirt and glasses.
I was feeling bad for dressing so lazy in a room of some really hot outfits. But then Wicked Princess Dora (who is also at DOI-LA) walks in just as casual and spiling the same apaulogies as I was for being so lacking in high-fetish glamour…it was just a lazy Sunday, and after being such a slacker I couldn’t bring Myself to get dressed and made up.
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Los Angeles reminds Me so much of My home town of Houston. A play party every night…last night there was a tickle torture arrangement of 4 subbies roped to a big bird cage in the middle of the back dungeon, and we Femme Dommes were swooping down like buzzards upon the poor defenseless males…lucky Me, one was clad in latex…I released him temporarily to go and get a bottle of silicone…I tore his little titties up and tickled him for better than an hour and made his rubber attire and skin so sensuously slick.
My good friend, Mistress Kyra von Kropp, was so worried I was n’t going to show up. We had been missing each other the whole time I have lived here. I challenge any boy to suffer the two of us together…she and I were being told we look like sisters last night…wicked cruel happily sadistic sisters.
There are certain Dommes I have made very deep close friendships with. Of course there is Domina Shannon who I knew in Our years as minors. But I found that Kendra von Kropp, and Vendela Zane seem to be trouble waiting to happen when we hang out…I love it.
So tonight in Los Angeles, where there always seems to be something new and exciting to do, the people who bring us the quarterly Bondage Ball at the Hollywood Athletic Club are starting a new weekly happening called “Fetish”. I have some interesting company to keep, fun to have, and I think I will go watch a movie and pick up some latex to wear from the Dungeon, to celebrate the grand opening…
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While everyone else was at the party I was in session continuously…I’m not complaining. But when I got out everyone had gone home…
I am concidering whether I should go buy this bi-cycle…it is purple, with a purple velvet bananna seat, and it has those huge tall handle bars…the only thing is that it is a BRATZ bike, you know, those disturbingly ugly kid’s dolls. But I hate crotch rockets, and I rather buy a bike for exercise and transport. I love to ride bikes, and the weather here is great all year.
Well, I am off to the dungeon, then after I wil be headed to Jeff and Jordan’s Dragon’s Gate for a play party… I wil be at the dungeon till atleast 9 p.m.
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I was watching Soldier’s Girl last night… I was quite shocked by the person who played Calpernia…I have hung out with the real Calpernia and she is HOT! Hot Hot Hot! So hot that I just had to lick her belly at Miss Kitty’s a couple of weeks ago… and the person who played her in the movie looked way too masculine.
I can just imagine how hard it is for pre and post-op transexuals, especially when they attract straight men, and it brings up a lot of issues for all parties involved…and then for the hetero-sexual man to be in the military…jesus. I wonder if she could even watch the movie or if it hurts too much.
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Yes, one month as of today I have lived in Hollywood.
I have had some amazing sessions, met some great new friends, had some wonderful Thia, Japanese and Mexican food…
So now for month two. I will be seeing the start of 2005 here, in Hollywood. I am stil waiting for all of My stuff to get here from New Orleans. I settled here pretty smooth, but there are still a lot of things to do. I haven’t even got My California ID, or local bank…I have had no time to do that with working almost daily. Lately My life hasn’t even allowed Me to go hang out with My friends for the majority of over 2 weeks.
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I woke up this morning remembering “Ned Coral’s House”…then I searched it online…started to remember certain parts of the dream…it wasn’t “Ned Coral’s House” it was “Dean Coril’s House”.
When I was growing up My mother would remind Me of Dean Coril as a reason for why I shouldn’t go out, why I shouldn’t trust anyone…he was a real boogie man. Infact he worked for Houston Lighting and Power with My Uncle Jim.
I know it was him in the dream because it was a house in the Houston Hieghts with a graveyard in the back…and a little girl’s ghost in My dream…and in the dream Lara Paine had just got the house in front.
Some how my mind must have inverted the “Dean” dropped the “a” and came up with “Ned”.
In the real history of Houston, Dean Coril was a serial killer who killed 26 known victims.
He was found dead in his own home in Houston on August 7, 1973…he had been murdered by his accomplice in his murders. Teens and young adults all over Houston were thought to be runaways but infact were his victims. He and his accomplice would throw wild parties, at which they would select a victim drug, rape and kill them…till the night when Dean decided to try to kill his accomplice and victimize him in the same manner.
After his co-hort killed him he called the police to make a confession.
He seems to have been the topic of many conversations I had with My family when I was growing up. I remember My uncle saying that he and his co workers always thought Dean was a little strange and wondered what the the hooks were for in the back of his van.
If memory serves…the huge glass house that was torn down near the old Casa Mara Girl Scout sailing camp had some connection to him or some other serial killer.
I really have to thank My mother for such grim knowledge of man kind as a child. I even remember eating at La Jaliscience when I was only 8 or so, and having her tell Me that a class mate of mine’s aunt was murdered and hacked into pieces by her boyfriend in the apartment across the street…no wonder I always had nightmares…thanks mom!
I just have to wonder why he is popping up in My dreams lately.
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Angela Ryan came to town last night (with Jamie Deadly), but both of us had plans to stay in and sleep. We just chatted on the phone, and with My busy schedule and her shooting schedule we hope to atleast go shopping down Hollywood (shoes glorious shoes).
Jail Bait Kate called and we discussed going out, but that wasn’t to be…I just stayed in bed with a thick blanket and the remote and watched the Life and Death of Peter Sellers…even wild girls have their lazy days and nights in.
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Sunday is one of the rare days I am not at the Den of Iniquity…I love what I do so I rarely take a day away. In fact I offer to be here off schedule and usually stay hours after I am off schedule.
But Sunday I took My time off gladly. I had a great day with Mr. B…it was our first meeting after a couple of breif emails and phone calls. He is a close friend of many Mistresses and kinksters here in LA and he had taken Me up on My search for an escort for Midori’s workshop at Passive Arts.
The day started with much revealing conversations that lead Me to the awareness that this was perv of My favorite calliber…we shared a few of the same decadent activities, and he even introduced Me to a few ideas I probably would never have thought of on My own.
We lunched at Houstons on their devilish smoked salmon and I had sauteed broccoli and filet mignon…we were so well fed that he was a bit sleepy. We ran close on time with our conversation, and realized that we had been tempting the clock for seating at the lecture and paid the bill and left.
At Passive Arts I got the pleasure of seeing one of the subbies from Dominion who is now a switch at Passive Arts, Katrina, as well as bump into “negative ion”.
The work shop was a good 4 hours or so…but Midori has a way of keeping you entertained every second even when the chair is getting uncomfortable. She is very thurough and amusing and she gave Me even more devious ideas to warp to My own flavor and design where predicament bondage is concerned. being that she is famous for her skills with shibari, one would think (as I did) that there whould have been some shibari in the workshop, but their wasn’t. I just hope I can go to her workshop next weekend (women and trans only) at LARAWW next weekend. I think it falls on My Saturday shift, but I can always arange to come in late, or leave early.
Kyra Von Kropp is trying to get Me to go to Dragon’s Gate for their play party this weekend…Maybe. R. might be going as well. But doing so is going to be a little kitty fight with Vena because she felt neglected By Me not seeing her this weekend at Miss Kitty’s and Bar Sinister.
Friday night is the monthly party at the Den of Iniquity, fun fun fun.
And who knows what fun and trouble I will find on Sunday.
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It’s funny, a lot of the boys I have seen here in LA are members of My fan club or the one today actually had emailed Me 8 years ago.
So, life is fun, life is good, the cold is gone.
Last night I met someone from on-line, we had sushi and I got treated to chiropractic care. I went promptly to bed.
I got an email today saying that there was a problem with the code for My fed-exed stuff so it should all arrive soon. Purrr. That means I will have My toilet chair, inversion table, torture cube, cage and all My music! Joy Joy Joy! And not to mention, in that shipment is all My canes and crops and spreader bars.