This was definitely a very tranny Xmas. I am getting back into crossdressers and trannys. It seems to come and go as one of My kink interests. I think I want to get Me a little sissy slave of My very own to mold into a hot toy for Me and others to play with.
Mistress Veronica stayed over last night, and when she and I woke this morning she got very excited because she saw a tranny neighbor of mine carrying Christmas gifts. She called it “trannyspotting” which she said was kind of like “train spotting”.
It must have been something in the air, because it was a recurring theme to My day.
Next was the phone session I had. The subby who called had seen Me from a far lt weekend at a play party. Now that s/he was preparing for retirement and it wouldn’t conflict with his/her professional life, she wanted to start to join Me soon in real life, and spend our time together letting Me mold him into the woman that is dying to come out.
Then came the evening, after Veronica and I went to various kinky toy stores, got our pedicure and took pictures.
Originally, the plan was to go to a tranny bar in West Hollywood, before we went to spend the rest of the evening at Miss Kitties. Though that plan was thwarted, it still didn’t change the theme of the evening. You see….Mia is a pre-op transexual, and Vena is not a tranny, but a very cute crossdress once the work whistle blows at the end of the day…
I dressed accordingly for a “Very Tranny Xmas” with Vena and Mia. I wore My transmuter boots, a black vinyl skirt, a vinyl corset and My pink “vagina” which has a diagram of the vagina, it parts labeled with the latin names, and “The Vagina” printed across it in great big letters. I figured that being a real girl amongst trannies and cross dressers I would be “The Vagina”. Alternative sex subcultures tend to have good humor about such things.
Kitty’s is never short on crossdressers and tranny’s and on the dance floor I saw Calpernia, who went through a lot of hell and heart ach becoming the hot sexy woman she is today. I had also seen her last night at Perversion but tonight I didn’t get a chance to say “Hi”.
I finally met Gidget Gien and his girlfriend, after several of the friends we have in commn had been constantly talking about him for months, as if I already knew him. I guess he kind of fits in the theme of last night if you concider his icon on Myspace is of an art piece, I assume his own art, dep[icting a woman with a cock.
If you think that the only woes of a transgender person are battling their born gender and hormones to look like the same person on the outside as they know themself to be on the inside…see the movie about PFC Barry Winchell and Calpernia’s star crossed love affair called “Soldoier’s Girl”. It will make you feel a small wee bit of the many difficulties and hardships of being a heterosexual mn in the military who was strong enough to not let his sexual identity prevent him from falling in love with a beautiful woman, as a woman despite the inappropriate genitals. Visit her site at http://www.calpernia.com and support others in the fight for gay rights. It takes great courage for someone to go through what she has, get the operation to fully function as a woman, and then have to face the world not as the woman she is but the pre-op transexual she once was to help others find their way in a world full of homophobia and the additional hardship of transgender life.
Then their was the wrap up of the eovening. The lights came up and the bouncer was very desperate to get out, so everyone did the usual lingering on the side walk…where I took a picture of My “Very Tranny Xmas”.
I swear, there are so many hot pre-op and post-op girls in this town that I am starting to get as into it as I used t be in My past. My fascination with transgender and crossdressing has been present since as far back as I can remember, but it tends to go away for a year or so at a time…until I see sexy T-girls that are flawless, I date a boy who crossdresses, or I adopt a new subby or slave who is dedicated and serious in having Me train them to be a cd-slut or a poised socker mom with a little secret. The last good one was sissy-maid jenifer…
I have even been considering designing a more structured crossdresser training program, I want to get the vocal training and make-up application vides offered by Calpernia and add it to My methods I use for teaching My sissies how to not walk like a man, and to move gracefully even in heels. Sounds like a fun little project, any guinee pigs in the Los Angeles area?