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I was just poking around some of the stuff I have set up on line and I just came across My old Cafe Press…Does any one want Mistress Genevieve memorabilia? I even have some of My artwork on there. Enjoy…http://www.cafepress.com/MsGenevieve
Mistress Genevieve
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I have a new pic from a Sinister night…
Here it goes. From Left to right it is Me (with Jeanette and Shadow’s Lipstick on My tits), Jeanette from one of the Suspension Groups in Phoenix, Steve from Core, Louis from AMF, and My Vena, who I won’t see for 2 weeks because she is in Hong Kong.
Here is the link…
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Okay, what gives? I swore that this town was in a draught, but it appears that the minute i had purchased My flight ticket to move here, this town has been raining constantly. And what is up with the cold weather…it all followed Me from New Orleans.
And I had a disturbing site this morning…I really can’t stand the idea addiction, and these two guys were parked on Alexandria this morning so desperate for a fix that at barely 10:30 in the morning they shuffled to hide the syringes they were poking their arms with as I walked past. This happens every where. Every city, and every walk of life, rich, poor, what ever…it is one thing to recreate as a weekend warrior, but this seemed more desperate and not just a way to dump the stress of a long hard week. I couldn’t tell if these guys had just pulled off the 101 in desperation, or if they had just walked out of the house where they scored it. It was a kind of sad thought that they needed it so bad that they had to just sit in a car on the side of the road and do it…and this means most certainly that they weren’t very concerned with clean needles, and more than likely were a prime candidate for Hep C or other lovely blood born pathogens…just plain creepy.
Ah, so I ran to My all to familiar surroundings of the Den, got on line and did some phone sessions, and waited for sessions, and I am about to go nap as I continue to wait for sessions.
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Good times at Bar Sinister as usual. Nia and Gino came to pick Me up before getting Vena.
I actually got to see Shelly and Shadow for the first time in forever, but I spent most of the evening attached to Steve (Core) and his friend Jeanette (who is from a suspension group in Phoenix).
We ended up wasting so much time at Denny’s because Louis wanted to eat, and all. those drunk were agreeing (I wasn’t drinking, I didn’t eat), and we had horrible service. Jeanette thought it was over us being white, but I pointed out it wasn’t race but the fact of how we were dressed.
We made it to Blue Space’s after party with the DJs of Industry, but only about a half hour before the lights came on and they kicked us out.
I couldn’t believe I didn’t spend all night playing upstairs with Madame Jade and Sir, and little subbies like “lez abby”.
I would get to finally rest, since I only had an hour nap after coming home from the Den before I had to get dressed to go, and last night I had less than 3 hours sleep before ging to to the Den. I practically live at the Den. Only Lolita and Christine are there more than I am. Lucky Me, I was the only one at the Den today that didn’t get a hangover for New Years. I also was the only one up past dawn.
Well, off to bed, probably just to huddle under blankets and watch cable, but I have a slave-hopeful coming in the morning, and after a long day, I will be up at Fetish Bar tonight.
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Last night we had a little party at the Den of Iniquity. Vena, Nia, Gino and R came to join the festivities. It was fun, and I had a short session in the midst of the evening.
Oh, and My last fiancee called Me because it was our 4 year anniversay if we had stayed together. They know they had it far too good, that’s why I left them all, and that’s why they still keep calling from 3 time zones away.
Afterwards it was out till dawn at the Basement, where we all were stacked and hardly left our pile of people. I got a sweet little surprise gift of a bath set waiting in the car. Then I got to disturb the neighbors this morning with My ruckus.
Tonight will be another night with Vena and Nia at Bar Sinister.
I hope that this year continues on such a high note.

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Today is Juan from HTTH’s birthday, and the last day of 2004. Tomorrow marks the first New Year in Hollywood. A whole new year in a whole new city. So much new for Me this year.
Last night I went out to eat with a masochist who is in lots of videos with lots of high pro-file dommes and then went to his house to watch some videos. My roommate is also a masochist in lots of videos for lots of Dommes, and this seems a common thing here, just as common as Dommes in videos. I like that there are harder core maschists here than I experienced in Houston and New Orleans.
Next week or so I am supposed to shoot a Roman shower video for Den of Initquity. I had only seen high quality videos like those by Ilsa Strix and Irene Boss up until now, then I realized last nigth that even though these other movies were produced by well known production companies, they weren’t really edited, the quality is low and the camera work was simple. A lot of them are also just shot in domestic settings.
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Sometimes it seems just like one of those days where Murphy’s Law is at your heels. That was how Monday was, and there seemed to be a little residual bad day to the start of yesterday but then it was gone.
I hear that the energy of Los Angeles gets very strange when it rains, because people here aren’t used to it. Then I have had the lovely hormonal contribution of My period to ad to being in a funk, not to mention the lovely anxiety and stress from brain chemistry.
I have this every year in the last couple of weeks of December. Last year it was broken collar bones and the major drama and loss of half of our cast in Lil Beaux Peepshow, then the year before was pnuemonia, and every year these last weeks of the year seem to be loaded with things that are very upsetting emotionally as well as upsetting to the flow of things otherwise.
Well, there is only 2 days left of December and 2004…I am waiting the fresh air and new oppritunities of the new year. Once all this New Years eve and all pass, I can get together on things with Veronica, and focus on that. I can get going on some of the things I have yet to do, like get My California ID, and open My California bank account, and work on the DDI ad now that I am in LA.
A new year full of new goals, new ideas, new acheivements, new friends, new everything.
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So, I need to get time in synq with Veronica.
I am actually trying to make sure we get this done properly. Nicolette told Me that there is the LA tax form, and the US Tax ID. Then there is a DBA and a checking account in the company name.
Then we have to tend to the website, and work on the costuming. My costumes are all still in New Orleans.
God, I am kind of aching to do some type of show. it has been since halloween since I have been on the stage.
It is finally kicking in that I don’t have a dungeon of My own right now. I feel absolutely aukward with out a project, or a dungen t run. I have a project but untill things start being discussed in person we can’t really procede.
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Okay, so I am the only genetic girl in the picture…
I am a bi-sexual drag queen in a woman’s body, so fuck off.
But I got a double dong compensating for the fact that I don’t have a real cock.
There was a contest, and though I didn’t get the first place, the winner gave Me the big pink double dong that was her prize.
Damn, sometimes I am the epitomy of lady like…what ever.
Blame it on Miss Kitty and her lavishing of drink tickets for the cosmopolitan cause.
Oh oh oh, I just got a call from Angelica who is in from Chicago for Christmas…and then their was Anna who is in Los Angeles from San Fransisco for Christmas…and they are both coming out with us tonight…yeah…more girls…and then there are the grrrls.