I took a quiz on religion that said I was 80% jew, 100% Anarchist and 100% buddhist. I wanna be a more Jewish!!!
Buddhists are cool, but many people claim it because of trends, and many fall short of practicing buddhism that claim it.
Most people that draw anarchy symbols really have no idea what they are talking about, and most people that are anarchist don’t bother to even classify themselves as anarchists…
Jews are cool! They don’t preach to you…they don’t even want you to join their church. They don’t care about other people’s faith, they pretty much mind their own business as far as faint…and as far as business they try to be efficient and get a good deal…thats admirable.
I have lived in all sorts of situations with all sorts of christians…man, I can’t do it…it is in total denial of scientific evidence, logic, reason, and completely contridicts human nature.
I have lived in a Muslim household with My exfiancee for a year…they were whiter than I was in their cluture…they practiced none of what they professed to believe and wdysfunction is a vast understatement for what I witnessed, and that is compared to My own upbringing of conflicting christian and buddhist family.
I have only the smallest most remote Jewish blood that My grandmother had mentioned once and now tries to avoid knowledge of…My brother is half Russian Jew…Hey, I don’t care about christmas, I can hang with the festival of lights for 8 days.
You scored as Buddhist.
01.08 Oh My God!!! The scat didn’t work out despite all the crap I ate, the ex-lax, the Roman is by far My favorite shower. For Me, it is almost as easy as There was a lot of golden in the first half that we shot, but once This subby and I had played together before and this not only was his I am so very proud. Head Mistress Lolita was very shocked by the Mistress Genevieve
01.08 ![]() Your Sexual Lucky Charm: Purple HorseshoesYour sexual tastes are modern, uninhibited, and more than a little warped. What’s Your Sexual Lucky Charm?
01.07 Jesus christ! Can I please have a let up on the rain? I wonder if this weather will delay Alexxa’s plane. Oh well, I have to stock up on a ton of stuff in My belly for tomorrow’s video shoot.
01.07 Awe, My little freakshow friend Gary, aka Rev. B Dangerous, just called from Florida….he’s moving back to New Orleans…why? Because for some reason he likes it. And earlkier I got a call from My sweet friend JKing in Tennessee. Then Veronica called Me to let Me know she just now got back from Las Vegas!!!! I am feeling the love. Love Love Love ME!
01.06 R. asked if I felt the three earthquakes that supposedly happened between 12:30 a.m. and 6 a.m. I had a potential session today but he was looking for a switch, so I told him to call on Sunday for Julie Simone… he and I figured out that he had actually seen Me in New Orleans in February…small world. Ugh, I am just going to lay around in bed all night, My stomach hurts, I am nausiated…I think it was Pop Eye’s chicken.
01.05 Today Julie Simone came back to Den of Iniquity’s regualr schedule, and in discussion we found out that we are both February Babies on the cusp of Pisces and Aquarius. Her birthday is February 19th, and My birthday is February 23rd. Every month there is a play party at Den of Iniquity and we celebrate the birthday at that point in time, so February 18th is a play party and a double birthday party for Myself and Julie Simone. And January’s play party is January 21st. I know what she and I both want…:LATEX, LOTS AND LOTS OF LATEX CLOTHING! If you would like t joing Us for ur birthdays and/or any other Den of Iniquity event then you will have to call 323-465-8900 and talk t Jennifer about the membership to DOI. Oh, and remember that Mistress Persephone is Guest Mistress of February 7th through the 14th. Mistress Genevieve |