January 18, 2005 | Official Website of Mistress Genevieve

The Captured Bride and Stockholm Syndrome.

Fascinating, Fascinating.
I was watching TV and heard the official term for the syndrome that plagued Patty Hearst after her abduction, as well as other abductees and hostages, kidnap victims such as Elizabeth Smart.

I began to wonder as to the ways that it could actually be applied to BDSM. Starting with BDSM being consensual, what are the methods used in Stolkholm Syndrome exactly, and how can you use a healthier modified method to get more out of a consensual BDSM relationship.

Eventually many BDSM relationships do get the same results as this method of abduction and brainwashing, but in Stolkholm Syndrome it is guaranteed and in as little as 72 hours. By chance are we doing it already and just don’t realize it?

“Captured Bride” is an earlier term for essencially the same syndrome, before it adopted it’s name of Stokholm in 1973, when 4 hostages were taken in a bank hiest gone wrong. Not only did the captives resist their rescue, they paid their captor’s legal deffense, and one even went on to marry their captor.

In consensual BDSM we already use some of the methods which are known to be “hot” and then “cold” attentions. The captor verball and physically humiliates the captive as well as physically and emotionally torments them but it is all tempered with the positive and nurturing re-enforcements as well… Sounds like the typical mind game of any wickedly intense “push me-pull you/ hot and cold ” relationship.

Other evidence of this psychological breaking and restructure of love and hate of a captor and victim have been seen through out history in such times as the Holocaust, religeous cults, and even in the missionaries that converted tons of Native Americans, the British that dominated much of India prior to 1954, the Norse vikings that captured Celt maidens…the history of enslaved and their masters…both consensually enslaved and those stolen from their lives by victors of war.

The basic pattern of Stolkholm Syndrome, other than the consensual issues, seems to differ very little from BDSM, the cold heart of the seductive Femme Fatale, and so many other parts of society that are seen as consensual and acceptable.
