Many dream of the perfect slave/owner relationship…one of devotion, disciple, function and feeling owned body mind and soul…
This is a beautiful fantasy, but the reality can easily become unhealthy co-dependancy. In a safe, sane, and consensual ideal this isn’t exactly sane.
Where is this line? Can one have a relationship that fulfills the fantasy and definition of the modern slave/owner relationship without co-dependancy?
It is understandable that a live-in slave might give up the outside world for his place as a slave…but what of those that keep a day job, their own home, their vanilla relations essential to functioning in the outside world.
When I left New Orleans I became aware for the first time that one of My slaves dedication to Me had gone a bit too far. When I went to his house for the first time ever it was the day I was leaving for LA…I was appauled by the disarray and disrepair. He had been in the middle of working on his house when he came to Me. When I commented about how it was awful and asked why he allowed his house to be as such he said,”I am always with you, and doing things for you.” This is terribly unhealthy. But in the slave/owner relationship how do you prevent this from happening, yet still be slave and owner.
Our relationship wasn’t formal and high protocol. I knew that he needed a friend as much if not more than a he needed a formal ownership…and I can only imagine that if I had been interested in a more formal relationship with him that this case would have been worse on him when I left.
I had known that he had no other life than Me, his work, his co-workers, and his cats…but had I known how he neglected his home to serve Me I would have been a bit disturbed.
As a slave owners/dominant we have a responsibility to push our slaves to better themselves not just in their service as a slave, but healthier physically, as well as mentally.
I am looking for a stable of dedicated slaves in LA…but I don’t think co-dependancy is healthy. Be it a friend, lover or slave…co-dependancy ends up taking more than it gives. It becomes emotionally taxing.
Is there a way to keep balance? In other types of relationships it is easy to identify co-depenency pretty early…but with slavery there is such a fine line.
Mistress Genevieve