I just jumped out of the bed and ran to the polls, despite the fact that I had been out with Dan and Fernando again last night running about up and down Decatur…I even dropped in Todd and Misha’s wedding reception at Lounge Lizards.
I called R. and checked if his happy ass had made it to vote yet…he said “Bush really must be evil if he got you voting this early.”.
Never once had I ever heard a presidential election where almost everyone I talk to says the are literally in out right fear of one of the candidates. And after the last election both candidates have legal teams ready to contest the election.
What I fear more than Bush winning the election is Bush rigging the election. I seriously doubt that with the state of our current government that we actually have a say anymore, but I am not willing to risk that My voice counts and not use the oppritunity to give My 2 cents.
As a woman, a person of an alternative lifestyle (BDSM and bisexuality), and a person who has a very taboo professional life it would make no sense to support the Republican party, with or without Bush. I think it sucks that this is a 2 party system rather than a true democracy, but I don’t think as long as a Bush is on the ballot I am willing to take a vote from his strongest opposing candidate by voting Nader…pick your battles and make a point when the consequences aren’t as dangerous…or didn’t we learn last election.
I am going to be on pins and needles all day and so nervouse I could puke just thinking that this redneck anti-christ nazi fuck head copuld remain the Leader of what was once the “free world”.
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