
How did I end up going out?

I went with Natasha to her work, then went to Aunt Tiki’s to spend time with My friend Brian before this move…he was being a crabby bitch…and I know why…poor Brian.

I wasn’t to very motivated to get off the stool and ride the bus home, and because Mistress Natasha’s bike was stolen I didn’t ride My bike so I could join her on the streetcar. Luckily Seal came in, and she lives blocks from Me, so I wated till the heavy rains stopped and rode home with her and Boone.

It was nice, just a few good people and a rain shower…watching “Once Upon a Time in Mexico” and “Chicago”, people playing board games on the bar, and music on the juke bnox…come to think of it I am describing the recroom of any Mental Institution. Well the Quarter is one big incestuous funnyfarm. I like low key nights like that…but I miss the days of the Hideout…when it was rowdy, the jukeboy was better, we had Candace, Todd Pamela, Avo and Wendy…women danced on the bar as Prince would sing “Pussy Control” and we all had “Red Headed Sluts”. And we thought there wasn’t much to do in New Orleans back then…we took so much for granted…now we have this deep recession and look at us…all that we had has closed down or gone to the dogs. Everyone has moved away.

Walking down Bourbon ST. I saw an amazing new scene of unbathed, homeless panhandling gutter punks…all in the clothes that are so dirty that they start to match in different shades of the same colors…whites reds greens browns and blacks all seem to turn some weird shade of brown-green on them from dirt, body oils, filth and nicotine…yum.

And for a gutter punk joke:
“How do you get a gutter punk girl pregnant?”
“Cum in her boots and let the flies do the work.”

This town depresses Me.

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