Nothing like waking up to kitty-lovin’ and the phone ringing with good news. I could lay for hours with that kitty purring and pawing and making meek meows…I will be upset if I have to lose him in the move.
I have to get Myself together, I have a pending appointment, only to be follwed up by a dungeon rental. I swear I am going to get up and do some of My exercise, yoga and pilates DVDs that I always neglect.
I am also supposed to go to work with Mistress Natasha tonight, as well as I have a slave calling from London about the same time.
I am trying to keep up with these numerous accounts on line, and checking My email takes hours out of every day. I am still packing and disguarding My clutter and unneccessary crap. Soon I will have to put all this stuff in storage.
I might as well go and get My flight arranged for LA in mid November.
I am thinking about all of the stuff I need to do, and it seems like it never moves along fast enough…I wish I could just move right this second, but I have to wait till DomCon passes.
I still estimate I need to save a good $3000 more dollars (plus exiting bills), but would prefer to save another $5000 dollars.
If anyone wants to make donations to the cause… You can schedule sessions by calling 504-220-3770, call for phone sessions through my keen number at 1800-863-5478 extention 0376164, mail postal money orders to 2223 Constance, NOLA 70130 or paypal Me at genevieve@msgenevieve.com.
Mistress Genevieve Brown-Georgiev
1800-863-5478 extention 0376164