
Just while I was preparing for lunch with Scary Kerry I got a call from Domina Shannon, one of my closest friends since I was really young and fellow Dominatrix/former partner.
A week or 2 ago her husband called and said he was treating Shannon to a vacation to visit me…so on the night of my August party Shannon will be here.

She and I also chatted about the possibility of us rejoining forces and moving in together in a couple of years in another state. She wants to wait till she is finished with school in New Mexico and then head to Cali to study Marine Biology.

When I moved to New Orleans we had just lived together almost a year before…infact the last time we lived together we just decided to run to New Orleans from Houston in the middle of the night and escape our lives for a few days.

We miss each other so much that when we talk you can hear the excitement in our voices and we talk real fast. Our lives have crossed paths so many times before we new each other…we both even lived in Tyler Texas at the same time when we didn’t know it, dated 2 of the same guys, worked at the same tattoo shop together, worked at the same commercial dungeon together. I miss my girl!!!