
Another one bites the dust…slave frustration!

My sissy maid was just dismissed on the grounds that there was no common sense or basic common coutesy in average things.

I had distributed a harsh bout of the padle to instill some lesson that is just the most common courtesy that one calls as soon as they know they will be late.
This means if you haven’t left the house 5-10 minutes before the appointed time then you should call immediately.

I had given an hour and a half for her to prepare herself and get here…more than ample for shower, dress, make-up and a 5-10 minute drive. Twenty after she was supposed to be here she hadn’t left the house, and she hadn’t called, and was full of lame excuses.

I would have been lienent if it had not been that the very last day she served she had been disciplined for the same offense, and returned to service with no ability to learn from discipline…and also the other infractions she had been instructed not to do on the previous day of service, such as leave the door open…much less the in ability to think for her self that if you are leaving the house you take the cell phone, not the house phone…

I have had it with those who lack common sense and common courtesy…

I have a busy life and I am only interested in slaves that can remember lessons, and think, much less due simple tasks with out micro-management. When I play with a slave it should be my pleasure as a sadist, not because I am frustrated by incompetence.

My cats seem to learn quicker how to behave with out having to be severly paddled.

Aside from an hour or two here or there watching a dvd, I usually work every waking hour on one project or another and have no time to stop everything to give stereo instructions and repeat myself 50 times.

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