I had such a great time this weekend in Pensacola…
It was hard to stay completely on my new way of eating, but in retrospect I wasn’t too bad. A few dark hershey kisses and a handfull of bagle chips, stuffed mushrooms and a couple of burritos at Taco Bell.
The show went very well, even though Spooky couldn’t make it.
The scene we did at the Handle Bar was very intimate. It went off with out a hitch except that the limo was late so the wax didn’t have time to melt.
At the end of playing Mistress Natasha, slave girl baby kat and I were huddled up in a hug, rocking each other and basking in the glow of a warm sub and domme space.
We went back to the house and swam a little bit together while everyone else partied. I was the first to bed, and I woke to Natasha and baby kat asleep on the feather bed next to the bed I was on.
We didn’t rush to leave, missy cooked breakfast before I went back for another nap. Then we all woke, sat around chatting with Missy and Mike and took the long road home. It seemed the lunch at Cracker Barrel took almost as long as the drive itself.
When I leave New Orleans it feels like I am escaping some oppressive dark cloud.