
Father’s Day

Today my father and I spent the day in the quarter after having dinner.

My dad is giving me his old digital camera this next week since he bought a kick ass one while we were out today. He told me that now that he is divorced I won’t have to share such hand me downs with my step brother and sister…then we both realized that this also means, as his only hier I will inherit all his realestate.

I know such talk seems selfish, but it’s just practical.

He was planning to open a swingers/nudist resort, but since he was divorced it is a long delayed plan. Being like minded, I wouldn’t mind having a BDSM resort. Such things could go hand in hand. That is some long and far off day.



Well, today was a great day.
“empty” brought in the mail when he arrove on my door step. In it was a card of thanks from someone who came here last week with $100 in it.

Things got progressively better from there.

I had a great session. He was a novice, and came here with the wrong thing in mind but I pursueded him that with out sex he could recieve the intensity and release and possibly more than achieved from vanilla acts. I was right and, he left with a new perspective.

From there things still got better.

I had already talked to R. earlier, when “empty” and I were at the grocery store, before the session…when the session was over he called back again.

It turns out that R. talked to Sabrina Belladonna. He told her he was bringing me to Los Angeles for the weekend of the Bondage Ball, and she invited us to her fetish dinner party the next night.

He also said he bumped into “Latex Max”, who I had hung out with quite a bit, sharing a love for lubed up latex at Dressed to Thrill 7 in Las Vegas last month…he told Max I was coming to town and Max said a fond “Hello”. To bad I lost the thank you card with his email address…but that can certainly be remedied when I bump into him at the Bondage Ball.

And to end a wonderful day, Mistress Lucia and I rented 2 really good movies. We watched 50 First Dates and The Order. She passed out after 50 First Dates.

I, yet again, left restless.