
So I talked to the guy I like in LA. He called 3 times last night.

I still haven’t even kissed him, even after a weekend in Vegas, and sleeping in the same bed after falling asleep late one night talking.

He is a super nice guy…to the point you have to just pinch yourself. 36 years old, professional, day job he works running a group home for troubled kids, and political job on the side of that in his city politics. As if that wasn’t nausiatingly nice, he actually can bullwhip like a mad man.

I am curious, yet I have been phobic of romantic involvements lately. What will this trip to LA be like?


My sissy maid is on the way over. I must dash to pay the water bill, then back home to pack for the photo shoot, then off to Fi Fi Mahoney’s to get my make-up done by Rhea, then off to the shoot.

“prissy” should be able to pick me up by then, and then she will be back to cleaning the house, which she didn’t finish before my appointments yesterday.