
And the retard of the day award goes to (drum roll please)

The idiot who just called me saying he was “Kat’s friend” (as if every dominatrix in the world doesn’t know at least 5 girls that go by Kat in the BDSM scene), and procedes to ignore that I am on the other line and tries to tell me that he has some girl there with a great dane.

He asks if I want to come over…”No!”
Why the hell would I care to interrupt my day to go somewhere and watch beastiality.

Personally, I don’t support such behavior. Secondly, I have seen it in porn and am not to terribly entertained by it. In fact, I have no interest in watching 2 people have sex, much less a girl and a dog. I have my own slaves and I prefer to not be a voyeur, it bores me!


Oh, and….

Did you see me on the Tonight Show with jay Leno the other night. I was caught by the “Man on the Street” segment. I was too busy at Dressed to thrill to stay in my hotel suite and watch it.


Great weekend, now Leaving las Vegas

I saw many of the people I met just a couple of weeks ago at DomCon at Dressed to Thrill this weekend. I also met old aquaintences and hung out with them, as well as others I share the pages of DDI with, and other publications.
I had a great time with old friends from my youth in Houston’s Fetish/BDSM scene, like Phil Carson. I got the short time with Slymenstra Hymen (aka Danyell).
I watched the Girlie Freak Show, Uncle Notty and Dita Von Teese.

I made fast and mischevious friends with Mistress Gemini and Kyra Von Crop, and Steve Goedde’s cute energetic new girlfriend Courtney. I finally got to meet Steve after chatting with him for over 2 years.

For 3 nights my hotel room was the home of the after party.
It was latex, BDSM, leather, pvc, pery lifestylists, and proverts. What a weekend!!!