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The idiot who just called me saying he was “Kat’s friend” (as if every dominatrix in the world doesn’t know at least 5 girls that go by Kat in the BDSM scene), and procedes to ignore that I am on the other line and tries to tell me that he has some girl there with a great dane.
He asks if I want to come over…”No!”
Why the hell would I care to interrupt my day to go somewhere and watch beastiality.
Personally, I don’t support such behavior. Secondly, I have seen it in porn and am not to terribly entertained by it. In fact, I have no interest in watching 2 people have sex, much less a girl and a dog. I have my own slaves and I prefer to not be a voyeur, it bores me!
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Did you see me on the Tonight Show with jay Leno the other night. I was caught by the “Man on the Street” segment. I was too busy at Dressed to thrill to stay in my hotel suite and watch it.
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I saw many of the people I met just a couple of weeks ago at DomCon at Dressed to Thrill this weekend. I also met old aquaintences and hung out with them, as well as others I share the pages of DDI with, and other publications.
I had a great time with old friends from my youth in Houston’s Fetish/BDSM scene, like Phil Carson. I got the short time with Slymenstra Hymen (aka Danyell).
I watched the Girlie Freak Show, Uncle Notty and Dita Von Teese.
I made fast and mischevious friends with Mistress Gemini and Kyra Von Crop, and Steve Goedde’s cute energetic new girlfriend Courtney. I finally got to meet Steve after chatting with him for over 2 years.
For 3 nights my hotel room was the home of the after party.
It was latex, BDSM, leather, pvc, pery lifestylists, and proverts. What a weekend!!!