Life is truly enchanted.
I flew in Friday morning. I spent the day waking to walk the Folsom area looking at leather and latex, then back to the hotel to nap, then up to walk the Folsom area again, before slave bird arrived from his flight in.
Anna showed up, and we went down to the clubs at 11th and Folsom. Had some fun dancing around,and playing in the photo booth.
Woke the next morning to a great day of shopping. I went to Madame S and bought 2 new latex gowns to wear in Las Vegas in a couple of weeks, and a latex Corset. I went to Stormy Leather and ordered a custom “Genevieve” corset in patenet and flat black leather which they are shipping to my house this week.
We bumped into Miss Astrid of Velvet hammer and the Va Va Voom Room Burlesque show, and being a big JMM fan I recognized her. We were already going to Va Va Voom Room that night as it was, but she invited us to join her after the show for drinks. And we did… And I sat around with Lee Press-on and Leslie Presley, and invited them to New Orleans.
We went to the Zombie Cabaret Burlesque show at DNA but got there too late.
I got a call from my boys in the Real MacKenzies and Jay Hova and they will be staying with me on Wednesday night after their show. I saved Matt McNasty’s message on my phone.
Played with slave bird a little every day. I was even playingwith him while I got a call from one of the boys back home.
Well,tomorrow I fly back bright and early, but fly away again in 2 more weeks.
I have 2 shows this week with Storyville Starlettes…Thursday and Friday at 9p.m.
I sing this week.
Ah, the glamorous life.