
Funny how certain friends don’t understand why I don’t allow people to just have a session with any short notice they feel is appropriate, or late or call at obscene hours to book a session…

Hello! These people are already displaying a lack of common courtesy and a disrespect for my time. If they haven’t made it through the door and already have failed in following instructions and giving respect then I can tell that I don’t want to know them further.

A great many of them are intentional testing my enforcement of my way of running things. If I allow them this first infraction they will only continue to do little things to try an piss me off.

I play and am a prodomme because I enjoy it, love it, and live it, but I don’t enjoy passive aggressive little bastards that only cause me stress. I don’t think of turning away such people as losing money, I concider it avoiding assholes that cause me head aches. Some act as if the money they pay for a session is a license to be an asshole.

They will walk all over you if you let them. Many of them hope that you will immediately start to punish them for misbehaving before they make it through the door. Others are trying to determine you have a natural dominant personality. Some just are that type of smart ass or are thoughtless.

What ever their intent, or lack of intent, I don’t like people trying to manipulate. I especially don’t like people to try to push my buttons.

This guy today shows up half way though his scheduled appointment…since he wasted my time waiting I wasted his time by making him drive his happy ass back home.

No amount of money is worth myself respect and the stress that these things cause. I rather eat Ramen for a month than allow these men to get in the habit of such rudeness.

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