
So after my brief call to my mother the other night, my home phone wasn’t charged and she called my answering machine from her cell saying she was leaving for London right then. I am always the last to know. I am envious because right now all I want is to travel and see the world I miss by being caught up in New Orleans.

I sat and chatted on the phone with Mistress Precious today, worked on line most of the day, and have a few sessions scheduled. Just an average day in the life. After a week of actually socializing and going out places last week it is back to the grind stone.

I made a few calls in attempts to solidify my schedule for Los Angeles…and I chatted with Steve Diet Goedde to let him know I am coming to visit after a couple of years of us being IM chat friends.

I hope I get to meet Kumi and Persephone after all the chatting we do on-line. It is always nice to meet people face to face. Especially ones that you respect for their hard work and vivacious love of fetish and BDSM.

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