
The rearrangement of the whole dungeon is almost finished, then I have to power clean the glitter and cat hair, and dust the cieling fans. I find house cleaning to be theraputic sometimes…my grand mother taught me that. She always told me “Only stupid people are bored, because smart people can figure out something productive to do.”. This attitude doesn’t seem to be favored in New Orleans.

My great grand mother supposedly taught my grandmother that you should only sleep when your body forces you to, because there is too much stuff to do to sleep everyday like most people do. My grand mother didn’t like this theory of her mother’s…but these things are a great example of the upbringing I had.

My mother is one of those people who makes lists of everythign to be accomplished…I got that from her. I am one woman in a long line of aggressive, determined, strong and dominant women. The rest of them would not be able to understand my lifestyle as a Domme, but it is the nature and nurture they passed down to me that seems to be at the core.

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