
I may have gone to bed after dawn because I have been putting this house back together in a more balanced method of ergonomics, but I still managed to not sleep the whole day away. I was up slightly before 1p.m.

I had the usual breaks in my sleep due to the calls for appointments that wake me. The first calls were jarring me awake right after I first fell asleep, not even 8 a.m.

Well, it is back to my list of tasks to ready my home and dungeon for a play party.

I need to get more spray bottles. I want to have 3 bottles in each dungeon. One for hospital disinfectant, one for bleach water, and one for isopropal alcohol. I have one set of such sprays for the entire house, but in party situations it would be better to not have to retrieve them from other rooms. I have one deluxe first aid kit, but want to get one of those for each room. I am down to my last 4 boxes of latex gloves, and need to restock so each room will have it’s own box. And I think that I should get each room it’s own paper towel rack and roll of paper towels.

I have been collecting so many extra floggers and paddles so that each room can have a certain basic set of such impliments, and then the specialty floggers and devices will be the only items I have to retrieve from other rooms while playing. This is the inconvience of having 6 rooms, 1200 square feet of play space. You have to stop what your doing and get things that have suddenly come to mind while playing.

Other items I need multiples of for different rooms are hoists for my 6 areas of suspension, several more caddies of small items (like play piercing needles, sharps containers, clothes pins, other clips, locks with keys, double snaps, chain, rope, rubber bands, tongue depressers, fishing weights, and much more). I need to get more paramedic scissors and make a safety station in each dungeon with it’s own pair and other emergency supplies.

With the other people I have renting my dungeon, like Mistress Lucia Kat, Master Micah, and Mistress Natasha from Colette, I find that it is best to overstock and have these stations so they never have to look for something I have moved.

Another thing I have been working on is the lack of chairs. I have tons of dungeon furniture, but am stocking up on stackable plastic chairs so I can seat everyone who attends one of my parties.

It is no wonder that I am always broke. It takes disgusting amounts of money to do things right, and I don’t believe in doing things half assed.


Last week I had spent all week preparing for Sunday’s show/my birthday show.

This week I have to spend this week losing sleep preparing to start back to my monthly play parties. This month the party is a combined effort of my dungeon and hosting Club FEM’s play party. Mistress Nan and I met for lunch and to discuss the plans.

I feel that the way I had the house arranged for the last couple of months left 2 rooms feeling less hospitable, and for a play party I feel the need to make each room more comfortable so all the rooms feel welcoming to play in, and every one doesn’t gravitate and crowd in to the other rooms to play.

I have 6 rooms, and all are packed with equipment and dungeon furniture, but recently 2 of the rooms felt really bleak and poorly arranged. So as usual I create so much work for myself and then am over whelmed by the amount of things I have invented that must be completed. This is a compulsion I seem to have no interest in breaking, even though I bitch about it all the time. I must secretly get obscene amounts of pleasure from the stress my projects put me under; that or I just get pleasure from bitching.

Well, I took the last 12 hours as a small vacation. My stress load was so intense from the whole week of mardi gras and the last 3 days that I had a strange experience last night while trying to sleep. I went into a meditative state that resembled sleep and began to halucinate that I was going to these different parties. I hadn’t had a drink…I was stone cold sober. I was really in bed at my XBF’s house, and he says that anytime he slightly moved I would open my eyes and having all these conversations with him. In my mind he was at all these parties with me and when he would move I would be almost awake and crossing wires between my subconcious and the real world in which I lay in bed.

This is a definite sign that if I didn’t take last evening away from my computer and work-aholic lifestyle immediately I would have probably given myself an anxiety attack today.

Then today I was really naughty. I went to Harrah’s Casino. I was about to leave the casino with a $10 loss on slots, but on my way out I saw something I couldn’t resist! UNIVERSAL MONSTERS PENNY SLOT MACHINE!!!! I played myself into the poor house in less than 30 minutes. They found my trigger…monsters! My panties were practically ruined by watching the Bride of Frankenstien pop up over and over again.

I determined the only slot machine that would truly take all my will power and reasoning away completely would be one where certain patterns would result in a short animation of “Areala the Warrior Nun” and the “Bride of Frankenstien” in a cat fight till both were naked except for cool pasties on their nipples and sexy patent leather boots. “The Bride” would have her hair still in tact and the Warrior Nun” would have her habit. And it would be even better if another pattern would cause animation of hot lesbian porn between “Areala the Warrior Nun” and The Bride! Oh what a wonderful world it would be. Two of my favorite fantasy women together at last…sucking every hard earned cent from me via slot machine.

Maybe they should make X-rated slot machines such as this and put them in adult video stores…that would be a briliant business idea. Imagine combining the addiction to pornographic animation and the addiction to gambling into one product! Oh, all the ideas that I come up with that I could never afford to bring into being.