
Add another project to the list.

In an hour Mistress Natasha Fiore and I will be up on Bourbon Street casting a new burlesque troupe. Yes, I am adding yet another burlesque show to all the things I am doing.

This sunday I have a show at Howlin’ Wolf is the Lil Beaux Peepshow, and I am still trying to find the right song for this new skit, and possible plot the performance and costume the number I want to do to the “Mistress Genevieve” song Paradise Vendors wrote about me.

I still have all my other things to work on…like Xsite needs my article in advance for April because I will be out of town. I have my sessions, and dungeon rentals, and having to set up one of my slaves to take care of running the dungeon rentals when I am in San Fran and Vegas…and the XBF taking care of the Cats while I am in Los Angeles.

I still have to buy all the stuff for plaster casting, and learn the technique since Deana can’t make it…she is going to have to show me prior and I direct the group at the party.

I have all the Play Boy Channel interview to prep the house for, as well as assemble the group of people they want to interview for the show.

Got to start finding out about the specifics for my next show with 21st Century Pin-Ups/Immaculate Deception as well as working on stuff with Paradise Vendors.

I must get on the ball fixing that problem I have with the cam sessions.

I have added a few new pics to the gallery on the site…I have a ton more to scan, make thumbnails, label and put up on their…I need to shoot a new set of pictures of the dungeon.

I also have some fire eating/performing classes and precision bullwhipping classes I intend to take from my friend and his girlfriend. Maybe learn some of the bed of nail stuff they do (I laid on the bed of nails last weekend).

I have to get this house together which is a constant thing on my list.

I maybe signing on at Fantasy Makers while in San Francisco and have a couple of modeling shoots while there. So I have to make my contacts now. I want to make the most of any trip.


Funny how certain friends don’t understand why I don’t allow people to just have a session with any short notice they feel is appropriate, or late or call at obscene hours to book a session…

Hello! These people are already displaying a lack of common courtesy and a disrespect for my time. If they haven’t made it through the door and already have failed in following instructions and giving respect then I can tell that I don’t want to know them further.

A great many of them are intentional testing my enforcement of my way of running things. If I allow them this first infraction they will only continue to do little things to try an piss me off.

I play and am a prodomme because I enjoy it, love it, and live it, but I don’t enjoy passive aggressive little bastards that only cause me stress. I don’t think of turning away such people as losing money, I concider it avoiding assholes that cause me head aches. Some act as if the money they pay for a session is a license to be an asshole.

They will walk all over you if you let them. Many of them hope that you will immediately start to punish them for misbehaving before they make it through the door. Others are trying to determine you have a natural dominant personality. Some just are that type of smart ass or are thoughtless.

What ever their intent, or lack of intent, I don’t like people trying to manipulate. I especially don’t like people to try to push my buttons.

This guy today shows up half way though his scheduled appointment…since he wasted my time waiting I wasted his time by making him drive his happy ass back home.

No amount of money is worth myself respect and the stress that these things cause. I rather eat Ramen for a month than allow these men to get in the habit of such rudeness.


More on the LA trip

It looks like I am going to have to sneak off from Dom Con on the 15th. I just talked to Mojo from Rock City Magazine (who wrote about me in their issue after halloween) and Heavenly Trip To Hell and they are doing a big party and club night at a place called Naga. They will be picking me up from the hotel and dragging me out to the club and put me on the list.

I have no idea what my favorite mamma cita in the whole world wants to drag me away to…but anything with her makes me happy…even when it has been her hanging out with me while I had pnuemonia and watching T.V. I miss her so.


So after my brief call to my mother the other night, my home phone wasn’t charged and she called my answering machine from her cell saying she was leaving for London right then. I am always the last to know. I am envious because right now all I want is to travel and see the world I miss by being caught up in New Orleans.

I sat and chatted on the phone with Mistress Precious today, worked on line most of the day, and have a few sessions scheduled. Just an average day in the life. After a week of actually socializing and going out places last week it is back to the grind stone.

I made a few calls in attempts to solidify my schedule for Los Angeles…and I chatted with Steve Diet Goedde to let him know I am coming to visit after a couple of years of us being IM chat friends.

I hope I get to meet Kumi and Persephone after all the chatting we do on-line. It is always nice to meet people face to face. Especially ones that you respect for their hard work and vivacious love of fetish and BDSM.


Yesterday was fun, long and filled with many things I could write about..but after this last phone call I would rather say just the main part of yesterday and address a sad subject that came up in a call just now.

Yesterday’s high point was walking down my street and meeting, and making fast friends with “Reverend B Dangerous” who is an internationally known Freak Show performer who just moved a few blocks away from me. We didn’t part company till dawn and met before noon.


What I really would like to address in a simple phone call I just recieved.

A nervous novice called and felt ashamed to speak freely about his interests and slight previous experiences.
This is sad to me. That is one of the wonderful things about a pro-domme. It is great to have your lover be your play partner, but some people aren’t able to express all their darkest fantasies to a partner with out being judged, or having it subconciously effect their partner’s image of them…such as asking ones girlfriend for scat or toilet training.

A pro-domme with any experience has heard it all. She may not consent to your type of scene, but she isn’t shocked.

A good dominant has to remain detatched from moral judgement. They may roleplay verbal degradation about the fetish, but outside of the scene should be very non-judgemental and understanding.

A good dominant fills many roles. A great many people that want to be dominants have a very onesided view of dominance and a stereotype they often try to emulate. They see the harsh cruel fictional characters like “Ilsa: She Wolf of the SS” but don’t understand that there is a power exchange in 2 directions. In fantasy we dominant take from a slave and have complete control and are selfish…in reality many of the best and most healthy situations the dominant gives a lot of themselves. There is a bit of submission in maternal care and one of the many roles a dominatrix fills is the one of a mother/care giver/mentor. This means we give a lot of control back to the submissive when we take control from them.

Another role that we fill is that of a priest or confessor, who hears your sins and keeps them in confidence, and absolves you of the guilt these feelings give you. In a way we also serve as a non-licensed therapist…allowing slaves with such intense fantasies and needs to have a “safe sane and consensual” outlet in an accepting environment, rather than letting them bottle up these feelings and eventually explode in many different way. Some would only lash out against themselves in that situation, but many have been known to bottle and fester feelings and fantasies that eventual make them crack and lash out in various ways at their friends, family, lovers and co-workers.

Those that find their way to a safe place with a dominant who is understanding find that they release amazing amounts of stress from all parts of their life. The time spent with their dominant, even when just casual or shopping or dinner and not playing, usually is a time where they can escape everything that stresses them out in their daily life. They find an oasis, a secret life with in a life where they can be a different part of themself. They can share all that bothers them in their time the domme gives them outside of play, or they can choose to drop it all at the door and just share the driving fantasies that they are unable to share with anyone else.

I guess this can be said of any type of sexworker…but dominatrixes tend to get even more openess about the darkest fantasies due to the intensity of the fetish work that they handle.

If one ever finds in negotiation that a Domme starts showing a disinterest or disgust in allowing you to express acts that don’t harm others, but are your own personal interest in “safe, sane and consensual play” then they probably aren’t the Domme to take your type of scene. (They may be great at domination in many other scenes, but a Domme should only do scenes she enjoys as well and that don’t conflict with her personal ethics). Any degredation she gives should be only be in fun.

I find it always important to validate a submissives feelings in negotiations if I am not personally against a rare few acts…such as I wouldn’t entertain pedophilia. I will hear them out and try to rationalize why these things are best acted out in adult consensual roleplay rather than actuality (for the sake of the victims of pedophiles and rapist), but I won’t do a scene I personally find abussive or unhealthy. I just allow them to speak their peace and tell them I am not into it.

It isn’t that such a person is wrong for fantasizing about rape or children…it is that these acts have victims, and should remain fantasy rather than be enacted upon non-consenting partners. A fantasy should never infringe on the rights of others.


Damn, it gets even better….

Mistress Natasha, Blake and I are going to see a Wagner opera tonight, and eat at Antoinne’s, SWEET.

That and I bought a new palm pilot so I don’t have such a confusing schedule like last night. It is my 3rd one, and I have my first one, but I don’t like it, and the last one was crap when I got it off ebay. The guy said it was “like new”, my ass that was like new.

Hmmmmm, happy, happy, happy.


Life just keeps getting better

I just got an email, and spoke on the phone with Nancy with the Playboy Channel…we shoot the interview and testimonials and footage of me playing at the end of this month!!!

Also I just spoke to Alexxa Hexx a little while ago and said our “good-byes” and look forward to her return.

I have just applied for a webcam slot with prodomination.com, as well as I have put up a cam session option on my website and reregistered for the keen system to do phone session.


I just purchased my air fare to Los Angeles, Dom COn here I come.

I had a blast last night. I had a 3 hour session, and just when i thought i was too tired I helped Punchy and Allexxa Hexx with shooting their video in my dungeon, and then we took off to Colette for their “Fetish Night” and introduced them to Mistress natasha…and guess who was there…

I found little “slave girl baby katt” slutting it up like no tomorrow. We all ended up playing. She was pumped by a fuck mchine, heated up and iced down before being taken upstairs for a for Mistress Natasha, Mistress Alexxa hexx and I to tie her up to the magnificent metal bed and toy with her suductively flavoring all the sweetness with flashes and dashes of pain.

I had really missed karen and playing with karen. I missed her master/daddy/boyfriend/fiancee Sean too. Once he found out I was there he came to the club to hang out.

After the club closed they set us up to stay there alone with Natasha and have our fill of the private 3rd floor. We had so many beautiful women that even the worst pics were amazing. I can’t wait for my copies.


Mistress Alexxa Hexx, Punchy and I had a long day of shopping. I dragged the XBF from bed way ahead of schedule and aggressively pushed that we head straight for lunch. I was so hungry.

I actually bumped into my favorite Fench Market vendor booth. they sell medical tools and I picked up the paramedic bandage scissors for every room so now there is never a hunt for where I last put the scissors…in fact, I think I might by doubles so that I never find that all the others have wandered off.

We explored stores and tired my legs before I had to get back for a session and type this and hopefully get a “disco nap”. Ah, it has been a while since I got my sleep through the “disco nap” system. The 30 minute to 2 hour long nap every 6-8 hours. It is a must for a girl on the go.

So I am going to light this new incense and take a long break till there is a knock at the door.