I performed in Pensacola last night with Immaculate Deception. They are actually a really good band. This is the 3rd time I have performed with them, but only the second time I performed to them. I stayed at Mike and Missy’s house. They are the sweetest. I model for Missy’s art events when she does fetish and pin-up art.
I did an incasing on Spooky. I had her in rope bondage to a stool, and started to cut the encasings till I had here down to her underwear. She started out as looking like a purple glitter spider man, and then she slowly was teased with the scissors between floggings and hot wax till I had her looking like she had never been in the encasement. I fell so intime to the music. It’s like when I flog I am almost in meditation. I just fall into one rhythm for my breathing, the music and the flogging. By the end I was shredding and ripping her open.
I actually saw a guy I went on a few dates with. He actually wasn’t acting all wierd about hanging out and talking. I sat and chatted with him, and a few other people. All the people were really nice. A few had come specifically because we were doing a live fetish piece and they don’t get that type of stuff around there. And one person told me they had been waiting all week for me to come and perform.
Well, I am back at home, and about to get back to all the updates on the website. I am adding a lot of galleries and pics.
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