I have to get this house back to normal. Batty, Kelly and Christian just hopped in the car to return to Houston, and Amrita is on to New York in the morning for her slaves there. She has her touring schedule to get back to and her filming in Tokyo.
I have to get back to my world. Sessions, dungeon rentals, costume designing, performance planning, performing, writing my articles and my planning of this new business venture I plan to start in my spare time. I wonder what sparetime that is but I will have a little here and there.
This Mardi Gras was so dead. The streets looked like just a typical Saturday night in the quarter.
I haven’t watched the news, but I swore I heard a second shooting this Mardi Gras. The shooting during the parade was during an altercation between teenagers, and a bystander was accidentally shot.
It was great having company here that never had seen Mardi Gras, because it made it more interesting for me. I usually avoid Mardi Gras.
I am so ready to get back to normal and on with trying to travel and perform. I think with the way New Orleans has been going that I need a break from the city. With the Mardi Gras decline, and closing of the best local bars and venues, and the people I know that have moved away it just feels like this town is dying.
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