
About today’s playtime

Well, today wasn’t really all slacking and email.

Tonight I played with “empty” for the first time since right before Christmas. I had been through broken bones, being sick, being busy, and being just plum in a bad mood about all the stuff I saw happening in the world (I need to quit reading and watching the news again, it gets me pissed) and just all around not in the best of conditions to be in session. It’s easier to turn off these discussions when playing with someone you don’t know, but my slaves and I are friends as well as having a dynamic of me being the one who dictates what we will and won’t do when hanging out, and them serving practical functions in helping me in keeping this house and other domestic responsibilities and helping with the show in ways I deem necessary.

Well tonight I started to resume our play time. Well, he should of known better. You catch me displeased with the world around and I often get rather sadistic if you give me the green light to treat you anyway I please. I had been a softy on him and working with him more through meditation and hypnosis and rhythym applications of flogs and stuff prior to our suspension of playing. Not only was he out of practice from our not playing, he was out of practice since I hadn’t been pushing him to take as much for a few weeks before the break. Well, I tossed him in the deep end.

I had him tied to the new suspension frame. His arms were above his head, and his ankles had a stock board holding them apart. I put him in some predicament bondage. His nipples were tied to the opposite side of the suspension frame and the same teather was connected to his cock. I tied the loop around his cock further down to the stock board.

The wonderful thing about male genitalia is it tries to seek the warmth of the body. When you have a cock and balls tied off and pulled out from the body and then place them in ice water they get very very sore from the cold and try though they might they can not retreat into the body cavity. It came to a point where he said he couldn’t feel the cock and balls. “Oh really? Well then let’s see if that is true!” “Whap”, the leather slapper slapped sharply on his scrotum that was tight and shriveled about his balls from the previous cold. Then the quick repitition of light slaps. To a man’s genitalia nothing is considered light…there is just varying degrees of hell.

When he jupmed back in responce to the progression of slaps on his sack, no matter how light they were he would pull at his already taunt nipples.

Of course I treated him to his favorite area of play…flogging

I must say, we women are so lucky. I know that when I slap my crotch hard it actually is pleasant. It is a sharp sting followed by a nice vibration of the pain subsiding. If you put ice on a woman’s crotch it may be shockingly cold but it is in no way like freezing a man’s restrained testicles.

We may have PMS, menstral pain, and the pain of pregnancy and giving birth, but there is only a window of 40 years we have to endure all that, then comes post menopause. Men will have pain in their testicles when hit for as long as they have feeling at all, birth to death…ha ha!

Also, most men have such issues about vasectomies. Women don’t feel themself to be less of a woman by choosing to get a tubal ligation. Women get them all the time when they feel that it is the best birth control for them. Both procedures don’t prevent testosterone or estrogen from being produced.

Tons of girls get genital piercings, and then you watch a vast majority of guys scared of anything happening to their precious cock (though that doesn’t prevent some of the vary same people from having unprotected sex, even in extremely high risk situations).

Boys are silly. Girls rock.
(Given, I couldn’t handle my first pull when pierced with hooks and made to balance in platform heels on a small top to a box, but I think if I was relaxed and on stable ground I would be a bit different).

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