Why do men seem to have such trouble with punctuality, following instructions, and understanding the simplest concepts?
You tell a man to turn on the lights and they give you a confused look and start messing with the knobs on the stove. You tell a man to get on the freeway and they drive under the over pass and to the next street light. Are there such things as male to female professional translators? They seem to not understand a word you say, and stare at your tits till you are forced to yell and slap them upside the head!
Poor Amrita couldn’t go places with out men trying to give her indecent proposals, and they wouldn’t accept “no” for an answer with out getting irrate. And I had trouble trying to keep the hands in the crowds in the street from trying to find my nipples through my clothes.
With all the evidence of the intellect of the human male it is a miracle that any woman still has any heterosexual instincts towards reproduction.
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