
Oh, last night’s dinner was delicious, though I felt hungry after. I loved the tuna, and I think it might have been the first time I had rabbit, which was served with duck and quail.

We had a little fun at a doctor’s office. It was an exercise in humiliation. I asked his doctor if she knew of surgeries or devices that really would lengthen his short penis. This was a game between me and him but his doctor wasn’t aware that it was our prank and she seemed really uncomfortable. I kind of felt it was a role reversal of the common situation where a guy pushes his girlfriend to get a boob job.

Otherwise, I got home after picking up stuff to work on the props and costumes for some new numbers for the party/show on Sunday. Yes, that is right, this Sunday is my Birthday party. When the clock strikes midnight I will be 29.

I spent atleast 7 or 8 hours working on my Poison Ivy costume, and a sheer back drop with leaves and ivy. It turned out so pretty.

Tomorrow I have rehearsal. This is the last short spread of time to get all these numbers together. Ugh, I have so much to do.

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