
Tonight was a really quality audience. I am not saying that there was a lot of people, but everyone was very supportive. I had friends that I hardly ever get to see show up. One was Memory, who I hadn’t seen in a year and a half. Then there was Gerald and Margot. Rob slipped out before I could go chat with him. Randy was there. I had to call him in to help out because the house cd player broke tonight, and we are expected to get one, even though Howlin’ Wolf needs one for their concerts too.

Randy came in all depressed, and I convinced him to stay. I was trying to explain that if he just watched the show he would feel better, and I got him a drink afterwards. Once he listened to me, and stopped moping back stage trying to talk about it, he went out and saw the show, and he really got off to heckling our comics.

We didn’t make a dime, but it is a labor of love anyway.

We spent $70 today for a pillow and the trim enough to decorate the edges of it, and a smaller pillow I had bought last weekend for the show. I spent 5 hours sewing all sorts of sfinge beads and sequins on the pillow. I wanted them to be super gaudy. I mean a lot of burlesque stuff is exagerated and way over the top.

During my I Love Lucy number (It’s called Babaloo) I stumbled. Aldo said he was surpised at my recovery. I figured, what the hell, I am on the floor, just dance with the floor for a second like it was intentional. Hey, I am a theater brat, you never react to a mishap, you just roll with it.

I really wasn’t feeling it much tonight. I think I need to work on a new finale since I am tired of Puss and Boots. Plus, originally I didn’t strip tease in the number, and my corset gave me grief getting out of it during that number.

I’m thinking of which number I need to do next. I actually think maybe I should swing 2-3 new numbers at once. I have this great leather corset that looks like a black widow, and I am thinking that I need to use this huge web from Halloween and be a Black Widow, and dance to “The Female of the Species Is More Deadly than the Male” And do some rope bondage with it.

Also I want to do a Little Red Riding Hood number, since I have the costume in vinyl. I was thinking off pantomining the whole “what a big nose…mouth, eyes” part and then in the end have the guy playing the wolf use a dildo to look like a big erection beneath the blankets and pretend to get scared of it and run away.

Then there is this song..”She took a walk with her…French Poodle” and I would want to make a big fake pooddle and dress in my striped tight sweater, with a scarf around my neck, and a pencil skirt, girdle, corset, cuban hose, and oxfords with the 9 inch heels and be the Parisian with her french poodle.

I have been really getting back into set construction, props and costuming, so I have a bunch of ideas for some new props.

I am having “empty” make a big die for the stage, and I am going to make some playing cards out of poster board to fan out behind it, and maybe a big bottle of jack Daniels or fake martini glass for the stage. There are so many things that can go with the theme of gambling, and drinking, especially in new Orleans…like “Living in a Fool’s Paradise”. So many costumes would work with it.

I even thought of making both a fire place and a window with a hotel sign outside it for the stage…so you could be the type of boozer red light lady of Tom Waits songs, or you could do the whole “It’s Cold Outside, But it’s Warm in Here.” There are a ton of romantic sex kitten burlesque numbers that could go with the fire place and a fake bearskin rug. My mother has tons of animal bones, I am sure I could call her up and get an old dog skull or something to make a bear rug with faux fur.

God, so many ideas and not enough cash. Jesus, just 5 yards of sequins and fringe, with a few appliques costs $60 plus $10 for the pillow. But the prop bed on stage needs it. I proposed the idea to the group that we all make one pillow to contribute to the bed to make it look more luxurious, and everyone agreed to it. So far, I made a mad dash to get it done for tonight even though we aren’t due for it till next week. And I even did two so it could look even more full.

I also want to get a princess phone or one of those fat fifties phones with the rotary dial. There are a lot of pin-ups poses and pictures you can play off of with the platinum blonde girl tossing around talking on the phone in sexy lingerie.

I still have to work on my “Dark Lady” number where I am a Gypsy to Cher’s song, and I use a voodoo doll to control a girl and make her lie down and pretend to do a ritual and then do candle play. I’m really imaginative, I bet I could even make a fake chicken to pull’s head off and drench her in blood. Now, I am starting to sound like Sadie with all the blood skits.

I have to start working on this poison Ivy bit too. I have a few old tired corsets that I can use and put other fabrics on, and decorate, and just wear a good corset underneath so the bad corset doesn’t hurt me.

I love this too much.

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