Lately, I find myself more and more disgusted with this country.
“empty” called me about the half time event with Janet Jackson and Justin Timberlake. I told him that he needed to get a life for even calling me about such rubbish. If this was Europe we would see more than that on everyday commercials, and if it were Japan we would see a hell of a lot more…so much for the land of the Free.
As you know, we suckle our mothers breast as babies, yet up until we turn 18 we aren’t legal to view a magazine in the media or in a strip club.
I have been very political lately. I am extremely unnerved by all the gay marriage crap, because it is simply a matter of church and state.
I was raised being told that laws are made to protect people. All I see is laws made to line pockets by arresting people for victimless crimes.
Like my views on this country’s policy on “sex workers”. How are they protecting anyone? They should legalize it so that there would be health registration, and so that if a sex worker is raped or assaulted by a client they can report it.
I dearly hope that in the next year Bush and his lackeys are all out of office. They want to talk about this country being founded on Christian beliefs, but most of our founding forefathers were UNITARIANS!!! Yes, the type of Christians that have a lot of gay people in their fellowship. Unitarian clergy are the same ones that married my Buddhist mother to my Jewish stepfather.
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