I am crossing my fingers about tonight.
I hope people really overcome the obstacles and attend the show. If they do, it is one step closer to seeing that they should house, if not sponsor or throw a decent fetish event in New Orleans.
So many things are not in our favor. There are parades happening right next to the club venue, so it is difficult to park, and even the performers have to walk a few blocks to get there with their bags and arround parades. It is an early show, and double booked so we don’t get to take up the whole evening with our show and special guests. That sucks.
And another thing that can hurt the turn out tonight…One person has been in a very public drama and may have people detered by such things. And another is the lovely rumors and gossip set forth in the BDSM by a person who has never even met me. And the people that are rude on-line and try to hurt a good show because of their personal issues, or friends personal issues with someone in the ranks of show production.
Hopefully these people that are so easily detered by petty crap will see the big picture…New Orleans has no fetish clubs, no major fetish events that are advertised to those out side of the scene and tourists, no scene or fetish events that get us recognition in magazines like Skin Two or Marquee or even American fetish and domination magazines like Taboo, DDI, American Dommes, or even the lesser magazines like Nugget. We have no stores that realize that there is latex that doesn’t come in a box and rip when you try to unfold it the first time. This town has hardly any fetish clothing available except cheap vinyl, or Lip-Service, and in the whole city only one store sells Stormy Leather Corsets, and they have only one style and it is only in black. They also don’t realize that the average woman or girl in the BDSM or Goth scene that would possibly buy such outfits are larger than a 6 or 9, and that even though some are 6 and 9 in the lower body, cheap clothes-including Lip-Service doesn’t make room for breast!
We are a port city, with a heavy tourist population. We have tons of money spent by them and they like anything that makes them feel wild, kinky or involves voyeurism of other people’s sexual tastes.
We have the foundation for a decent fetish scene, and we have a town that is 24/7 unlike most cities that hold major fetish events.
We don’t have the population of London and New York, but once you actually build up your events over time to the size and quality of Torture Garden and other such events you aren’t relying on the locals…people come from all over.
It takes time, it takes little things happening first. It takes things like having fetish celebrities and burlesque artists having places that will pay them to come in and do a show. It takes a venue having confidence that your first events will have enough draw to make a decent profit over the expenses of the show.
If people don’t discard their differences and just enjoy a show and support their community then it hurts us all. Not only the people you want to not support, but it makes it where a club owner thinks that doing such a show would put him at loss.
By showing up to such events our true numbers are counted, which allows for more performers and shows that we don’t have, and larger events to slowly start happening here.
Your attendance, your cover, you are what makes a successful scene.
I or any other person can bring such performers here, but there has to be $$$ to make it happen, and money comes from attendance. We could bring them to empty rooms over people’s laziness and idle gossip and eventually a club will drop support of the night, or event, or show. Soon, yet again we would have no one coming here.
I hope that people really realize that there hasn’t been any fetish event (unless gay) with an internationally reknowned performer, even if it were just a modest weekly show of 4 girls in any rememberable point of New Orleans’ existance. And there won’t ever be if support isn’t given to those who bring it to you. Love or hate or believe what ever you want about who ever…but atleast respect that these people are the type that try to make this town have something cool other than sitting in a bar on Decatur the same as you did last week.
Really, a lot of the negativity I get is more from the fact of how much I am out there doing. It makes people credit me as being concieted but I’m not. I just figure why bitch and do nothing like the rest of this town, when I can struggle to make it better. That type of aggressive persistance isn’t always popular. Screw populararity if it gets in the way of me and what I want.
I don’t care if you like me so much as respect the effort to change this town, and give the support to make my efforts effective.