

Pain is worse than ever today.

I have a lot going on today. Charlotte is bringing a friend of her’s from Los Angeles over. I have a cd friend coming over to discuss some projects for local crossdressers. I have “sissy slut jenifer” coming over with a new piece of furniture she made. I have “empty” here to work on the loft which started going up again.

Ugh, I am in pain, and terribly irritable, and I swear ever person is a complete moron and totally incompetent. I just want to slap the hell out of every one.

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  1. Someone I love is coming to pay a call on you also… do please try not to slap them, will ya?

    I hate it that such a lively person is down with a broken wing. Get well soon.

  2. Actually, I didn’y hear from him yeasterday 🙁
    I was really looking forward to his visit.