

Well, today my new black and blue leather corset came in. Just a week or two I got my new pink satin corset, but haven’t worn it due to breaking my collar bone.

So, let’s see. I have 12 leather corsets is it? Then god knows how many sating and vinyl corsets. I have an uncontrolable fetish for them. I always would look at this re-print of the old Montgomery Wards catalogue from the 1800’s when I was a kid and drool over the childrens corsets, the bustles, all the wonderful exagerations of the female form. I need leather thigh high boots, leather pants leather opera gloves, leather hobble skirts. I have considered entering some of those Miss Leather contests. I won a contest at an S&M ball about 7 years ago and haven’t really entered one since. That was an all vinyl outfit, at the HPEP S&M Ball at Tantra.

I have been taking this time between sessions to actually make it to pay those bills, have a walk, some sushi and some Chia Tea…ah, simple pleasures. And also I am checking out all these fetish clothes, leather, latex, fetish boots, fetish shoes, ballet boots, cosplay costumes. I just love the way it feels to wear a new fetish outfit that I have never worn before. The strong scent of new leather or latex, the slip of lubed latex clothing being put on and the way it feels when you pop and manipulate it into place. And the way the leather warms up and starts to be a part of yoiu, and move with you, only stretching in the right spots till it fits only you.

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  1. I will bring my 2 pairs of leather pants with me valentine’s weekend – if I get them to you in person supercool, if not, Todd will have them when its convenient. (honestly, I just don’t want them taking up space any more…)

    Glad you’re feeling better!

  2. Oye, while I was working at ‘The Birthday Suit’ there were a couple of corsets I was going to buy (we got 40% off) but alas, I got fired. I don’t own any corsets at the moment, so I’m extremely jealous ;P

    Take care dawl,


  3. I’ll try them on.