Boyfriends fall into one of 2 catagories…psychotic or boring. and each of those fall into 2 sub-catagories- stupid or complete asshole (some are a mix of the two).
I have decided I will be the spinster with all the cats and a hot 20-something stud taking care of me in my old age.

Need a boyfriend? No, not in this lifetime.
Need a boyfriend? No, not in this lifetime.
Perhaps you’ve been burned. Perhaps you’ve been fried.
Perhaps you’ve been two-timed one too many times.
Whatever the reason you are O-VER it.
If it’s got a penis, you’re not interested.
At least not now or into the foreseeable future.
But things could change.
After all, it’s a woman’s prerogative to change her mind. Or her shoes.
It’s just that right now, you’re thinking about shoes.
Do You *Need* a Boyfriend?
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