
Ugh, need dinner, about to head to the show…bored so I am writing a quick jot while waiting for my companion for the evening.

I swear…if I had to chose one place on earth, and one thing I would rather be doing more than anything else…it would be sleeping with my 3 kitties in a big warm bed.

I am getting my practice in being the crazy old cat lady…lol.

Are you sick of my cats yet?

5 comments so far

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  1. I’m such a crazy cat lady that I did this the other day:
    miss_siren and this:


  2. no way, I love kitties! =D

    lucky kitties, though….

  3. LOL, you should see what ugly Shyla does with her cats…she sends all these great picks…you should get to know her, you would get along famously.

  4. Shyla does seem cool – and HOT. I should add her to my friends list. 🙂

  5. chat with her, she is great. She is discriminating in who are her friends, so consider yourself loved, and beware if you are her enemy.