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How cute, my baby brother found me on friendster. He seems to have always been one of my biggest fans…and one of the very first boys I tortured, dressed in girls clothes, humiliated, greased up in vasaline and chased him around the house like a pig. he wrote a testimonial on there about how he believes that I will take over the universe…lol.
I love looking at the testimonials on friendster. when ever you get a little stressed or under the weather they say some of the nicest things from people you know and love dearly.
My brother’s testimonial:
Genevieve (call her “Viva”) is the wierdest big sister a guy could ever ask for. Yeah, that’s right, I’m her brother (“baby brother” if you ask her). Anyways, Genevieve is a really unique person with enough brain and brawns to get in and out of anything. I figure if nothing stops her she shall rule the universe in no less than a decade. But that’s just the way she has always been. Much love big sis, later.
I would post more of them, but there are so many, and I would hate to offend my friends by leaving one of them out…
You could just go snooping around friendster. I know a ton of really great people on there.
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I was going to go to Colette’s tonight, but it’s cold. I just got some sexy tight black leather pants and put them on with thigh high boots and a leather corset and went to sushi, and then didn’t feel like going out.
I am starting my Birthday Countdown…32 Days. I will be 29 years old, and it will be 11 years since I did my first professional session.
I realized that my birthday will start at midnight during a Lil Beaux Peep Show performance, 2 days before Mardi Gras, so I am going to try to make this show extra special, and add a bit more kink and fetish too it.
I need to come up with a new act for the number I do at the end of the show. Our whip girl has moved away, and our fire dancers have not been with us for a while.
It appears, due to personal differences between the director and two of the cast, we will be parting with 2 of the performers. I wish it weren’t so. But now that means we have openings for 2-3 local girls. The best time to audition is Thursdays at 1 p.m. Howlin Wolf. That is rehearsal day. The best thing to do is have 2 pieces already prepared to submit before Sadie Corsette.