
Ugh, need dinner, about to head to the show…bored so I am writing a quick jot while waiting for my companion for the evening.

I swear…if I had to chose one place on earth, and one thing I would rather be doing more than anything else…it would be sleeping with my 3 kitties in a big warm bed.

I am getting my practice in being the crazy old cat lady…lol.

Are you sick of my cats yet?


After living in my little bubble I am going to Suicide Girls tonight…I have already heard all the lovely drama I missed…damn it makes me dread going out into the world.

So, tonight I make the sign of the 3 monkeys…hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil.

So many messy people all over this city…I swear I have to put my fingers in my ears and go, ” la la la la la la”.

I haven’t even left the house yet and already I am wanting to rush home to a pile of purring cats.


Last night’s show got cancelled.

Tonight is the Suicide Girls Burlesque show…I hope I make it out to see it. I have been a real homebody lately.

I have been hanging out with Lucia and the cats.

It’s funny. When I go to bed, all the cats wait up for me, then climb the ladder to the loft after me, all in a line and fall a sleep in a pile at my feet.