
What is it with cats, that right at dawn suddenly they starts chasing each other through the house like a herd of elephants.

I wanted to sleep in this morning because, I went to the quarter for the first time in 3 weeks last night. It isn’t that the french quarter is so far away, just that aside from my injury, I really like being uptown. Besides the phone ringing over and over, I had 3 cats having all sorts of cat play. Now I am awake, and have 2 sessions on the way back to back as well as a fitting for a photo shoot, and the cats are all asleep.

So last night I pulled off doing the show and the new number went without a hitch, as did the re-vamped “Puss and Boots” number. The broken collar bone didn’t cause any problems.

The XBF wanted to go out for a couple of drinks afterward so I went with him after the show and hung out with him and cute little Jen from Rings of Desire. I hadn’t hung out with her since we went to Pig Face.

So Blah Blah Blah, all very exciting right? Cats, bars, friends…damn I am really feeling like playing, I hope this session is on time. I want Bondage, humiliation, teasing, torture, sensory play.