
Ah, the single life

Boyfriends fall into one of 2 catagories…psychotic or boring. and each of those fall into 2 sub-catagories- stupid or complete asshole (some are a mix of the two).

I have decided I will be the spinster with all the cats and a hot 20-something stud taking care of me in my old age.


Need a boyfriend? No, not in this lifetime.

Need a boyfriend? No, not in this lifetime.
Perhaps you’ve been burned. Perhaps you’ve been fried.
Perhaps you’ve been two-timed one too many times.

Whatever the reason you are O-VER it.
If it’s got a penis, you’re not interested.

At least not now or into the foreseeable future.

But things could change.
After all, it’s a woman’s prerogative to change her mind. Or her shoes.
It’s just that right now, you’re thinking about shoes.

Do You *Need* a Boyfriend?

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Counting my lucky stars

I was looking on-line at the postings of other Mistresses I know, and find that I don’t win the bad luck award.
Katja Minx has me beat. She lost a good amount of her fetish attire and equipment due to her dungeon flooding. Remember that not just the items of value and sentiment are lost, but the odor of a flooded building is a nightmare to get rid of.

I am fortunate to have a landlord who, in spite of his not being quick to fix problems with the property, is proud and supportive of me and my dungeon. He has shown my website to others in his office.


Peeve of the day:
Most of my ads clearly state “Strictly Domination” so why is it retarded jerks call asking for massages and sex?
If it states clearly that i am a MISTRESS, doing STRICTLY DOMINATION then why do they bother to call with such other dribble?

Plus, do these cretins understand that if they call repeatedly requesting the same illegal service over and over that I could choose to file charges for harassment, as well as charges for propositioning illegal acts?

I have nothing to hide. I run my dungeon above board. I even am known for donating to the police drives, and have the sticker for donating on my front door, as well as I have advertised for domination in the police news paper.

Look, I am no prude, and I think that prostitution should be legal so that prostitutes would have to be healthy to work, and to prevent them from being abused by johns and pimps…but it should be in it’s place. Not in MY place. So as long as they are calling ME, in MY place, the answer is the same! NO!

Why is it that when these dumb apes call their brain is on shut off? Some of them try and debate in hopes of changing your answer. Is it that with only 8 pints of blood in the human body, when their cock gets hard, their is only enough to engorge the penis, so their brain malfunctions.

I know that some Mistresses provide sex services…my stance on that is, that if you have ended your session, and find that you and your submissive are mutually consenting adults, then it is your own personal business…if it isn’t part of what you offer as a session, and you aren’t charging for it, nor are you doing it on the time they have payed for, then it is legally not prostitution and you own business. I personally don’t feel moved like that, and have never had sex with my subs, but you are not me. Unfortunately some people don’t know how to distinguish a prostitute and a dominatrix, and there are many other adult industries that exploit domination, and their workers will often offer sex services.

Escorts that have light domination on the menu are a far cry from an experienced Mistress with an array of quality equipment (even if she outcalls)…and if I were in the sub’s shoes I would be too embarassed to inquire of anyone I respected if they would provide such services.

If “getting off” is important to a sub, which many find forced abstinance and tease and denial to be more to their fantasy, then they may discuss this. There are their own 2 hands and thier are toys to aid them…I don’t see any reason to compromise myself for money…strap a vibrator to them, or humiliate them by having them fuck inflatable dolls…but no necessity for any Mistress to provide sex acts.


Damn, I wish I could afford this “Marie Antoinnette” styled gown batty made. I can just see it now. Doing a show with Lil Beaux Peep Show, with a Guillotine, and a cake, and playing either classic burlesque, “oveture to the sun” or “Killer Queen” by Queen. I could have a girle dressed as an exocutioner with nothing but a hood, panties and pasties on, and another girl dressed in rags to expose her breast, and force the peasant girl to eat cake and smear it all over her. That would be so hot!!!

My first priority costume wise is the “Poison Ivy” costume, and the green rope with ivy leaves, and the “poison ivy” wig. Even better if I had the sexy shocking green contacts.

I also want to do one as the Queen of Hearts, or the Red Queen. Maybe I could bind a cute girl to a huge chess piece and torture her.

Damn this injury for setting back my finances!!