Ugly Shyla!!! I need you to pay a visit…You know who appears to be doing some naughty stuff. I don’t care to play that game but I want to send it all back. I don’t care to pay karmic debts for petty little gnats like her, but since all he negative crap is hers I feel it would only be right to give back to her what is rightfully hers.
It is really bad when a protection candle is completely gone vet starts a small infero, and is caught in time before it ignited anything else on my alter.
I spent the day going to the F&F, but I need a visit from you and your mother!
Anyone else that would like to lend a hand in all this is welcome.
I guess since her lies and gossip trying to tell people I was a gun dealer and drug dealer didn’t work she is just grasping at straws. sad and pathetic. I just want it done with. I never have even met this girl face to face.