
Good news for visiting friends

I got another bed in the house now. I am still looking at futons so I can ad more sitting space for my parties and sleeping space for my visiting friends. When the next loft and ladder are complete there will be another queen size bed and I will be putting the full up on the other loft.

But this means now there is a queensize bed, a queen size futon and a full size bed. Soon to be 2 queen beds, 2 futons and a full. That is a lot of room for house guests. I might even get two futons, possibly an additional twin size. And don’t forget how comfy the bondage table is to sleep on too.

Batty and Kelly, I am sure you two will be happy. When you come for my Birthday/Mardi Gras you will get to meet Mistress Amrita from Tokyo. She too is staying at my house.


I went to the OffBeat Awards ready to perform, but knowing that I had larigitis which i had informed them when they had called that morning…but just out of obligation I went as if I didn’t, more as a statement that my inability to perform was due to something beyond my control.

I also got to see the new ad. The damned people left the contact info and name out of the ad!!! I am not happy.

I was extremely bored and aggitated. I had half a taco there. I’m from Texas, I guess my standards are higher when it comes to tacos…I threw it away. I searched the rest of the room for something to tempt my palet. I found nothing that met my finicky mood, not food or drink.

I was so aggitated. I walked the floor looking for my X who was my date. It turns out he was moving the car. I called him and told him I wanted to leave, so we took me home and got me out of my costume and then went to his house to fall asleep watching movies.

We watched “Wings of Desire, which I had never seen before. I caught things he didn’t like the record cover being Nick Cave, the Building having a marquis that said Shcmuck, and that one of the people in the library had a copy of the Lexicon on his table which was one of the other movies that the director had made. This was my first time watching this movie. I was very happy when I saw Nick Cave perform at the end, afterall he is a genius and that is who I went to see in concert the weekend I first came to New Orleans and met the X I was still sitting next to and still occasionally dating.

5 years later, five years since I first came to New Orleans to see Bauhaus and the following night see Nick Cave. Five years ago I came for a weekend to New Orleans and knew then what I know now. I knew I would move here. I knew I would have a long inconsistant involvement with this strange little man I talk to several times a day on this phone. For some reason I never really question my future I just feel it happening and know where it is going. I don’t suppose that is normal.


I went to the Sex Worker’s Art Show. It was great. I saw the cutest japanese burlesque performer. Her name was Erochica Bamboo, Miss Erotic World 2003.
There were many readings of poetry and prose, as well as film. The last film of the evening was a very chilling piece. The woman who shot the film was Ariel Lightningchild.

All the evening we heard mostly from anglo sex workers. All of them were very well spoken and intelligent, but in the end it was when we were shown Ariel’s work. She talks about herself as not being intelligent and that being American Indian is something she has often lied about in sex work. I think the film was a testimony as to her intelligence.

UNFORTUNATELY, being sick out in the cold air last night has left me with almost no voice and I have to sing at the OffBeat event TONIGHT! I am drinking hot jell-o to salvage my voice.


Disappointing auditions…as in no one showed up out of anyone that was personally invited or otherwise. We are still allowing applicants.

I had to rush home. I have 3 hours of session backed up, and that migh put me out on seeing the show tonight at Zeitgeist.

Ugh, life gets so hectic.

I was up all night with Craig chit-chatting about the birthday bash and working on the computer.

Had a good lunch from Rio Mar. Great dinner at Christian’s. Damn I am spoiled.

So much to do, so little time.


My Birthday Bash gets bigger.

Yeah, Mistress Amrita from Tokyo has just said that she will perform at my birthday bash-Lil Beaux Peep Show February 22nd. Sadie Corsette is happy that our closing show before 2 weeks Vacation will be with an international headliner. Maybe I can get Batty to do a guest piece too, (hint hint).

I just had a great dinner at a fine french restruant with great people, and a couple of Apple Vanilla Martinis at 735, and now I am back home.

Tomorrow we are talking about going to Zeitgeist for the Sex Worker’s Art Show. That is after I go and see the open auditions for Lil Beaux Peep Show.

Then Friday is the OffBeat Best of the Beat Awards that I am singing at.

God, it looks like I am starting to get out of the house more.


I have dinner with my doctor friend and an artist friend and her musician husband. I forgot this last night when scheduling asessions for tonight so I had to reschedule a two hour for tomorrow. And last night I was absent minded a second time and had to reschedule a Friday appointment for Saturday because I didn’t realise it was conflicting with a performance on Friday. Everything is soooo busy.

I also am studying my Japanese a little in my spare time so I can warmly great Mistress Amrita (www.tokyomistress.com)when she gets here on the 20th. She will be staying at my house, I can’t wait to take her out and about like I started to do last time.

I also have to stock up on my articles for Xsite. I already finished my March Article but since I am traveling in April and May I need to get my articles stocked up through May and maybe June, so I can focus on writing my lecture for DomCon in Los Angeles in April.

I still have a lot of changes and additions to make to the dungeon. I am looking for another queen size bed and another futon to add to the house.

I will be resuming parties after Mardi Gras and resuming hosting the Club FEM events with Mistress Nan in my dungeon on March 5th.


Last night I went to bed after watching a show about current issues in court and government.

Why can’t they just get it straight that allowing gay marriages doesn’t force the priests and clergy to acknowledge or perform these ceremonies. It does force insurance companies, and other important factors such as IRS and adoption and other offices to recognise the relationship as permenant intent with the goal of stability and possibly family.

One of the religious opposition complained that the next thing would be allowing 3 person marriages…why not? Marriage is a commitment for a life long goal, and I don’t see where sex was ever mentioned in that. They were complaining that same sex marriages change the meaning of marriage…I was raised a little different, I took marriage to mean 2 people comming together as one, I never thought about the sex of the people.

The real problem is that if gay marriages were publically recognized, then religious bigots would have to acknowledge that gay people aren’t all promiscuous. They would have to identify them as living a normal life, and not some crazy life of instability and sexual indiscretion. Straight people can be just as reckless.


Play Boy Channel

I just got a call from the Play Boy Channel. I should be shooting and interview with them March or April. They want to miss the hectic crowds of Mardi gras.


My fever broke. Lot’s of not-from-concentrate orange juice and chicken noodle sooup. I still am a little achey. My throat is a little better. I have to focus on getting well completely before Friday. I can’t sing like this for Offbeat.