The Season’s Beatings Party is this Friday….but I am more excited about planning the January Plaster Caster Party with Deana.
We are going to have to buy a ton of supplies and have lots of volunteers. I need to devise a punishment for those who can’t keep their cocks hard for the full duration of the plaster casting. At the end we will beaq ble to have life-like dildos of every shape and size of all the subbies with the stamina to stay aroused with out direct stimulation. It will take 5 minutes or so to cast. This will be great fun.
And once that passes, then we have MY BIRTHDAY!!! February 23rd.
So much so much so much afoot.
I have a show at the Big Top on Saturday, and I have another show on Sunday with the Lil Beaux Peep Show.
I still haven’t got any word on the absolute possibility of Memphis. Time is running out to plan that well.
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