
Pilates before bed is a bad idea. Suddenly, my body is all pumped up, my mind is swimming in the endorphines from exercise and I just can’t lay still.

I wake covered in 3 cats that are purring wildly.

I am famished and the chinese food place won’t deliver for another hour. I was good and did the weight loss syrup before bed, and you aren’t allowed to eat or drink anything with calories upto 3 hours before bed time. And Monday night I was good and didn’t eat or drink before bed either. Even though Sean was trying to give me ice cream. I only had one cosmopolitan that night.

I forgot to turn the heater on when I went to bed, and the house is cold!

I hope it isn’t this cold when I go to Oz tonight. Tonight, we are taking my friend’s sissy slave to Oz for their make-overs by Drag Queens, and seeing if s/he’ll win the $50 bar tab.

The plan for next wednesday is to take “her” to Colette for fetish night because, if you are crossdressed you pay the same cover as a woman, and a woman in fetish attire pays nothing on their Wednesday fetish night.


Corset training.

I have bought 7 new corsets in 3 weeks time. I am now able to wear a 22. I am back into training.

Last night and today I slept in them. I have managed to actually start cinching in an inch and a half further than I did last week.

I still have to wait for my last 3 corsets that I ordered to come in.

I am considering this new latex dress from House Wears, and I have gone back to working out, so it will be hot. It is gunmetal silver latex. Purrr.

Just a few weeks ago all my clothes were pvc, but now I have lots of leather. I used to have a bit of latex, but the harsh summers of New Orleans and Houston, and a crossdressing ex-boyfriend (who wasn’t allowed in my latex, but snuck in it any way and ruined it) saw to it that I have no latex left.

Amazing what a little exercise, aqua-ban, and metabo-life can do to your waist line in just a matter of days.

I haven’t seriously corset trained since I was 22. It’s time to get back to it. And back then it was the most I could do to fit a 28 when I started, now I can wear a 22. 7 years later, and 6 inches smaller.


Last night I went to the viewing of Velvet Hammer. It is a documentary on the revival of burlesque, and in particular, the Velvet Hammer Burlesque company from Los Angeles.

I also got to meet Jonathan Michael Mitchell (JMM), who is the director of one of my all time favorite films, Super Starlet A.D. He was very nice. He is talking about bringing me, and perhaps the rest of the Lil Beaux Peep Show to Memphis to perform. Even if the rest of the company had to stay home and work, I wouldn’t miss it for the world. He also asked the second he looked at me for the first time if I wanted to be in one of his films.

We watched his next movie, which was Broad Daylight, which essentially was a stag film in day time, outdoor settings.

The Velvet Hammer gave me soooo many ideas. I was happy to see women far heavier than I am, stripped down to pasties and a thong. I have not once performed with out full bottom panties and a corset! Half my skits I haven’t evwen dis-robed, I had the other person on stage strip, and I stayed dressed. But this movie inspired me.

Plus, I have long been a fan of Ursalina, Valentina Violette and the World Famous Bob!

I floated around the room talking to so many interesting people. Despite my reluctant knowledge of another person’s drama, and my offending my companion by not paying much attention to them, it was otherwise a good evening. And if they read this, I am sorry I was distracted and inconsiderate.


I have a stack of free passes for 2 guests to Xsites’ Year anniversary and Xmas Party!!! Sponsored by Sum Poosie Energy Drink and lots of Drink Specials! Kinky Party Prizes from Mr. Binky’s and Paradise Adult Video! Hot women seen in Xsite Magazine will be there!!!

Mistress Genevieve will be performing, as well as Sadie Corsette and Fortune Cookie of Lil Beaux Peep Show doing Burlesque excerps from their weekly show.

The party will be this Friday at the Audubon Club 1225 St. Charles, New Orleans.

Call Mistress Genevieve at 504-220-3770 for free passes for you and a guest!

Mistress Genevieve


I got asked to do an interview for the PlayBoy channel!!! And Saturday I am interviewing for a Tulane newspaper.

This weekend I was delinquent on writing.

Saturday night we had the private crossdressing party. Shockingly, I weas the only one in the party that had seen Hedwig and the Angry Inch. I popped it in the VCR while we did make-up.

Afterwards, we went to 735 and a couple of gay bars. Lucia Katz and I came back and just watched 8 1/2 Women and Smokers and fell a sleep.

In the morning we had a 3 hour smoking fetish photo shoot with this really nice, attractive and very sweet smoking slave. We had sushi, and we had a nice relaxing conversation. (Unfortunately a cab driver pissed me off by attempten to rip us off, but I fixed that little problem).

Lucia went back home, and I ran off to do my show.

The show went grewat, the place was packed with the Guitar Center’s Christmas Party.

Sean brought me flowers, and “the good doctor” brought us home.

We didn’t get to do the “Milk and Cookies” version of “Puss and Boots”.

Over all, it was a very good day.

Every single guy seemed to ask…”What are you wearing?” Okay, the scent is White Diamonds by Elizabeth Taylor.


Last night was really fun. I shot almost 2 hours of video and pictures of a session. Sean ran the camera.

He is off right now, taking the money I gave him to pick up the most perfect, fluffy maribou coat. And also to get my money orders for ebay, since 3 money orders never made it to their destination before. I don’t know what is wrong with the postal service now, but I am going to send it 3 day delivery with tracking this time.

I am still stalking more corsets on-line. I am addicted to ebay and cotrsets.


Naughty Corset Diva

The way to my heart is corsets.

In about a week and a half I bought 4 new leather corsets. Three of them arrived today. One is a leather waist cincher with flames (for when I roleplay as the devil with the new red contacts I have coming in, and horns sewen into my wig).
Another is over the bust, full leather with red leather front panel with a black leather back, and with leather strapping at the waist level in front.

The third that arove today is also leather, but solid red leather. It has laces over the cleavage, and two laces at the hip bone.

Now I have 2 more coming by Monday or Tuesday…

Both are leather also.
One is a leather waist cincher in blue and black leather. Nothing too unusual.

And the second coming within the next few days is over the bust, Red leather on top with black piping, and the lower half is black with red piping.

If I continue to win on these bids, I may end up with a pink leather corset with black velvet trim, a very hellraiser style black leather with buckles in front, a black full corset with over the shoulder action and a red V front, and finally a black gingham “Dita” corset from Versatile with PVC piping and trim.

I am considering making a corset gallery on my website.
Lets see I am currently at:
4 leather corsets
1 black pvc corset (about to be retired)
1 black PVC corset (that was left by a friend)
1 dark purple PVC corset (that matches a new PVCdress coming)
1 Black lace overlay corset
1 Voller cincher
1 leopard fur “Dita” corset
1 black “Lotus” corset
1 fullbody kneelength corset dress
1 satin “Venus” corset

So with the current tally I could have a gallery of 13 pics of corsets.

And if we concider the other 4 corsets I am bidding on, I could have a gallery of 17.

And I have been meaning to get together with Batty on stuff, but I just am too busy running all over the place to sit and talk with her atlength about it. And when she comes to town I am usually broke from all the other shopping I do.

I want to have all these corsets so I can do more shows and pics, and because I am so exhausted of my old clothes.

I never go on stage with Lil Beaux Peep Show with out my corset!

Mistress Genevieve


Little Beaux Peep is Everywhere.

I got the pics from the Journalist and photographer that did the article about us in the Scandinavian magazine. they are copyrighted, so I need to ask for permission to use them.

There is one that is really hot of me dressed as a ringmaster with a crop, tipping my hat, as Sadie is next to me on her knees, swinging her head and hair up to look at me, in her panties and pasties.

Some of the other shots blew me away too, but if I had to chose of all the pics just one for her to approve…it would be that one. I put it on the wall paper for my laptop.

I also just found out that we will be in Stuff Magazine…Howie got a full page, and he says that there should be a small pic on the inset.

I got permission from everyone in the show to record the show and send a copy to my parents, and offered to make additional copies for them to send to their parents or friends, but since the music is copyrighted we cannot use them for any sales or promotions.

I want to ask a certain very special friend of mine to compose and record some stuff that is licensed only to me for my performances, and of course I would promote the living crap out of it. I would do that for them anyway.

Speaking of photos, I have to do some after the show on this Sunday. We pre-sold a party of 30 people for Sunday night, and they are having their own VIP section upstairs to view. It is a christmas party, so I am breaking out the first Christmas piece I have plotted. We have re-vamped “Puss and Boots” for Christmas. Different costumes, different music, and less fetish look to the kitty, and more a christmas kitten. And I will be in a christmas costume. And we are changing the name for christmas to “Milk and Cookie”.

I figue “Diamonds are a Girl’s Best Friend” is about gift giving so it can stay during Christmas.

Come the new year, we will be doing a new closing number. Just wait…I am not giving it away just yet.

I really wish I had known about the cancer charity event i was asked to do before i booked the private party in my dungeon on Saturday. It is so private that the only person I invited was Mistress Lucia Kats, otherwise the guest of honor is having their coming out and it will be to a room of Dommes. What a lucky sissy. It is their first time being dressed in front of anyone but their Mistress.

Oh, and on to the next weekend, December 12th. Don’t forget the Xsite Party at the Audubon Club at 1225 St. Charles., New Orleans.

My Season’s Beatings Solstice Party is on the 19th. This party is open to dominants and submissives of both genders, and fetishists of all types.

Then there is the show I am doing with 21st Century Pin-Ups and Immaculate Deception at the Big Top 1638 Clio St., New Orleans.

The Xmas Lil Beaux Peep Show in it’s weekly Sunday time slot. 10 p.m. Sundays at Howlin Wolf at 828 South Peters, New Orleans.

We have our work cut out for us.

Mistress Genevieve


I set to the daily training of my sissy slave jenifer…the honey moon bloom is over. Now that she has a couple of outfits, and gotten aquainted with me, and I instructed her on scrapbooks and keeping training journals, now we start the daily regimens and rituals.


I want you to get 7 pairs of panties…the frilliest, most girly panties possible.

Make sure they are comfortable you will be wearing them all day.
I want you to stop wearing any male undergarments. Every morning you are to put on a clean pair of panties. You are to look in the mirror at yourself before you get dresses and tell yourself aloud that you are a siss slut.

At the end of eachday, I want you to wash the day’s panties by hand.
If your corset is easily concealed at work, I want you to wear it all day, every day, and hand wash it as well.

Beneath your male socks you wear at work I want you to conceal flesh tone nylon stockings, unless you can afford to splurge on silk, and wash them daily by hand as well.

Find a perfume that smells a bit floral, but still discrete enough to get away with at work…one that won’t draw the attention to you wearing ladies perfume, but you will know it is. Often something like vanilla is good for this (my father is obsessed with vanilla).

You are to daily shave all body hair. I will wax your back every two weeks or so. We will start to pluck any stray eyebrow hairs.

Keep a razon on you at all times, and shave half way through the day, to avoid any trace of facial hair. I don’t want there to be any point where you feel the manly stubble on your face.

I want you to drink lots of water, and we are going to work on the smoking problem, it makes your skin more rough and masculine, not to mention the offensive odor. Drink no less than a gallon a day.

I want you to wear high heels fulltime when at home! Get so used to them that when you remove them, you feel aukward. Make your calves train to the heel.

As far as exercise, I want you to work the obliques to whittle a more feminine waist line. This is done with side crunches.

I still want you to follow through on the daily wear of the anal plugs. If you use a flared plug, it will hold in better than the anal dialators.

Start to cross your legs only at the ankles, which is the custom in polite society. A lady never crosses her legs, only her ankles.

The only way you will be alloud to masturbate is as a woman, self penetration and the use of a vibrator on your cock. Treat your cock as a clit, and never stroke it in your grasp. I will at times put you on chastity order, at this time you will refrain from all pleasurable touching of your genitals.

Once a month we will engage you in enema torture, coinciding with my period, or the closest date to it. This is in order to have you feel sympathetic cramping for what women go through. And on all the days of my cycle you will wear a tampon, until it ends.

You will sit when you pee at all times.

On your next visit, you will start learning basic ballet positioning, and I expect that you practic 30 minutes every night. Work on grace, fluid movement, and ballet fingering. I also expect you start yoga daily. This is all for flexibility, grace, and long lean feminine muscle tone.

I know this is a lot to remember but this is the daily in’s and outs of your sissification to this point.

Mistress Genevieve