yes, you heard right. I had company over and took a spill off of my 4 foot high bed.
I am typing one handed now. I have to consult with an orthopedic surgeon on whether surgery will be necessary.
Thanks to the wonderfully friends I have in the medical field I was first looked over at home, and then the “ood doctor” took me to the hospital he works in, and the saw to it I got the fastest possible and most thurough care.
So, my trip to Memphis is a no go, and I will have to not take sessions till I get a bit healed, and keep all strenuous movement to a minimum. I expect I will be taking sesion in 3-4 weeks, and I will be back on stage in 4 weeks. When not in sessions or on stage I will have to be in my restraints to heal.
It was cute how Batty ran and put me in a corset as soon as she could…the whole idea is that corsets are basically back braces with curves, and it would keep my posture.
I thank all of those in my life for the great support I am already recieving, and I thank all of those who offer assistance, and their best wishes. I will be dying to swing that flogger and tie that rope by the end of the month.
I actually don’t mind the pain so much, it is the grating sound and feel of their pieces of bone when I move, and the limited use of my left arm. Soon, my doctor friend will apply a patch for the pain, since I requested that I not be prescribed pain pills.
Mistress Genevieve
Oh my Gen! I hope you get to feeling better soon! I know it sucks but it could’ve been worse I’m sure. Take care!
Please please please feel better soon…
First, do what the doctor says. Try not to move it too much, and wear your brace as often as possible. And yes it’s funny how Batty got you into a corset…can’t hurt 😛
Contact me if there’s anything I or can do to help…
Get well soon. If I can help, you know how to reach me.
thanks, I just want to have a miraculous quick recovery.
will do, thanks for your support
yeah, it could have. I hope they say I dont need surgery…I want just a natural heal, no more hospitals or doctors.
Hope you get better soon. Sorry to hear you have to spend the rest of the holidays cooped up. I’m sure you won’t let it slow you down too much. Just take care of yourself and I’m sure you’ll be up and about soon enough.
Sucks that you broke your collarbone.
I’ve only done that a couple times, and the last time was a couple years ago, but it still hurt something fierce.
I am glad, however, that you have those close to you who are able to help you out through this time.
Get well soon. Life is about to become boring for your faithful readers until you can kick some ass again.
I’ll light a candle and pray for a gentle recovery for you.
my mind will be active with controversial thoughts since I will be reading a lot.
I don’t have a choice, I can’t even dress myself.
I wrecked my knee awhile back
Take The Time To Heal
Dont Speed things with impatience and frustration