I am putting this post out to see if any one has a men’s Santa Suit that i can borrow for most of the month of December. The first date I need this for is this Sunday. The last date I would need it would be the 21st.
It would be used for the Lil Beaux Peep Show and the show for Xsite’s Christmas Party. (featuring Myself and Sadie Corsette as the entertainment for the evening)
I would gladly put you on the list for any and all shows it is used in. Much less buy you a drink. This will be a bondage skit. It will be really cute, and assuredly you will enjoy it. As well as I can arrange a special thanks on the program for the Lil Beaux Peep Show!!!
Please call me if you can loan out a Santa Suit for these Dates December 8th, 12th, 15th, 20th, and the 21st.
Mistress Genevieve
Would love to help out but I need my suit for my family Christmas party on the 21st. Good luck in finding one. Perhaps I can help you with the other times, but my family’s party is the 21st during the day. Maybe we can still work something out.
Maybe we can, i hope so, I would really appreciate it. I have my feelers out.