
Last night I went to the viewing of Velvet Hammer. It is a documentary on the revival of burlesque, and in particular, the Velvet Hammer Burlesque company from Los Angeles.

I also got to meet Jonathan Michael Mitchell (JMM), who is the director of one of my all time favorite films, Super Starlet A.D. He was very nice. He is talking about bringing me, and perhaps the rest of the Lil Beaux Peep Show to Memphis to perform. Even if the rest of the company had to stay home and work, I wouldn’t miss it for the world. He also asked the second he looked at me for the first time if I wanted to be in one of his films.

We watched his next movie, which was Broad Daylight, which essentially was a stag film in day time, outdoor settings.

The Velvet Hammer gave me soooo many ideas. I was happy to see women far heavier than I am, stripped down to pasties and a thong. I have not once performed with out full bottom panties and a corset! Half my skits I haven’t evwen dis-robed, I had the other person on stage strip, and I stayed dressed. But this movie inspired me.

Plus, I have long been a fan of Ursalina, Valentina Violette and the World Famous Bob!

I floated around the room talking to so many interesting people. Despite my reluctant knowledge of another person’s drama, and my offending my companion by not paying much attention to them, it was otherwise a good evening. And if they read this, I am sorry I was distracted and inconsiderate.

6 comments so far

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  1. I picked up Super Starlet A.D. on a whim one day and I just loved it!

    Any idea where I could get ahold of Velvet Hammer? I don’t imagine it will be playing it in Detroit anytime soon. =/

  2. wow

    the velvet hammer…you being in movies, and performing in Memphis..
    fucking awsome…


  3. Check on-line, they weren’t even selling a copy there.

  4. Couldn’t find it online either. Must not be available yet.

    Thanks. 🙂

  5. You should check out Zumanity which is Cirque du Soleil’s new show at the New York, New York in Vegas. They have a set of “twins” that are far from physically fit and they are as sexy as hell. And they also have this amazing talent when it comes to juggling dildo’s.

    Zumanity explores and celebrates sex in all it’s forms, isn’t that what Lil Beaux Peep is also about as well?

  6. I actually worked for the Houston leg of the Cirque Du Soliel tour when Quidam came through town. I still have my employee ID.

    Actually Lil Beaux Peep Show is still just Burlesque and some light fetish inuendo. My fetish stuff there is very very very light.