
Last night was really fun. I shot almost 2 hours of video and pictures of a session. Sean ran the camera.

He is off right now, taking the money I gave him to pick up the most perfect, fluffy maribou coat. And also to get my money orders for ebay, since 3 money orders never made it to their destination before. I don’t know what is wrong with the postal service now, but I am going to send it 3 day delivery with tracking this time.

I am still stalking more corsets on-line. I am addicted to ebay and cotrsets.

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  1. Just a random thought that ran through my mind sometime last night ( don’t know where it came from, but I went with it) Perhaps a snippet of “The Floor Show” scene of Rocky Horror for Beaux Peeps?

    I don’t know much about modern day burlesque shows, and unfortunately am on my way BACK to Florida Sunday afternoons when they are at Howl.

    Best of luck

  2. I had thought of that before, but it wasn’t well recieved.