
Good news. I get to do the cricket scene later on tonight.

Two hours of torturing his balls. I can’t wait

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  1. Crickets

    I’d love to hear about the crickets…i’ve heard of such a technique, but no details..would like to though…or even some pics!


  2. i love playing with guys balls. they don’t always get that stimualtion. my boyfriend loves getting his balls rolled around in my hand like those serenity ball things. (just don’t twist too much for fear of no kids.)

    the hottest thing in the world to me is to see a big strong marine tied and blindfolded.

  3. I love the marine uniform, but it is only a rare and seldom met marine that hasn’t left me disappointed intellectually. Kurt is one of the few the proud, the intelectually stimulating marines I have met.

  4. yeah. Chris is really smart too. he is really into military history and movies (we’re both film buffs)

    and sex.