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I ordered 3 new leather corsets today. They should all be here by Friday. In addition to the corset I got last week that will be 4 leather corsets to my wardrobe. I also have another 2 leather corsets I am bidding on. Do you think that 6 leather corsets is enough. I mean I can almost last a week with out wearing the same corset twice.
I have several corsets that I have worn into the ground. One which all the pvc surface is worn out.
That still leaves one purple pvc corset, one black lace corset, one plack PVC corset (actually Batty’s that she keeps leaving here), one leopard fur “Dita” corset, one black satin Voller Corset, one black satin lotus corset, one plack patent corset dress.
After I am done with being a bit satisfied with my leather corsets, I plan to stock up on DeMask latex corsets.
The problem is that I never have my fill. I am a glutton. Especially for corsets.
As a child I had a reprint of the Woolworth’s catalogue from the late 1800’s and I would drool over the corsets in the catalogue for hours. I watched Little House on the Prairie religeously, just to see if there was the occassional corset.
Ugh. I think watching Preaching to the Perverted too much, and now I am desperate for fine fetish clothing that isn’t available in New Orleans.
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Dammit! I was invited to do a charity performance for children with cancer. Unfortunately, I have a private party booked in my dungeon on the same evening.
Ugh, so is the life of a busy girl.
I have to plan a trip to Montreal this winter also. this week I am going to get my ID renewed and try to get my passport. I hope there is something going on there during my visit. Itr would even better if I got to see more subbies than the one who is flying me out, and if I got to perform.
“empty” is sent on an errand tonight. He has to take my money to pay my bills, finish my laundry, pick up my props for these new numbers, and get his costuming togetehr for his role in my scenes at the Xsite party.
I already have the second Christmas number planned, one more to go, aside from Snow Queen.
I have to get ready soon for the next few hours of session. I still have my costumes everywhere from last night. I am thinking I need to do “Christmas with the Devil” by Spinal Tap, really bad.
No rest for the Wicked.
I also need to work on some more articles. Christ on a cracker. I think I strive on stress.
If I find a good hour or two I will actually sit down and work out.
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I am putting this post out to see if any one has a men’s Santa Suit that i can borrow for most of the month of December. The first date I need this for is this Sunday. The last date I would need it would be the 21st.
It would be used for the Lil Beaux Peep Show and the show for Xsite’s Christmas Party. (featuring Myself and Sadie Corsette as the entertainment for the evening)
I would gladly put you on the list for any and all shows it is used in. Much less buy you a drink. This will be a bondage skit. It will be really cute, and assuredly you will enjoy it. As well as I can arrange a special thanks on the program for the Lil Beaux Peep Show!!!
Please call me if you can loan out a Santa Suit for these Dates December 8th, 12th, 15th, 20th, and the 21st.
Mistress Genevieve
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I really wanted to publicly thank G.Epps from Glow Where, for the wonderful gifts he brought to the show. He made a lit sign of my name in red electroluminescent fiber!!! He also made me a special new whip of black latex hose. It looks like the new whip could be a strange cross between thud and sting, with the weight or the tube, and the surface of the latex. (glowwher@yahoo.com)
Yesterday was a day of treats!!!
“Sissy slave jenifer” brought me a new toy she made for the dungeon. It is a torture cube with a head hole, very vicious. It has such a gorgeous red vinyl apholstery.
So much to do today with all these shows this month. I have to work on these 3 new acts I am doing just for these christmas season…or maybe even 4 acts. I love doing these shows.
December 7th- Lil Beaux Peep Show @ Howlin Wolf-824 S. Peters, NOLA
December 12th- Xsite Party @ The Audubon Club 1225 St. Charles, NOLA
December 14th- Lil Beaux Peep Show @ Howlin Wolf-824 S. Peters, NOLA
December 19th- Mistress Genevieve’s Season’s Beating-Solstice Party
December 20th- 21st Century Pin-Ups @ Big Top 1638 Clio St, NOLA
December 21st- Lil Beaux Peep Show @ Howlin Wolf-824 S. Peters, NOLA
December 28th- Lil Beaux Peep Show @ Howlin Wolf-824 S. Peters, NOLA
Mistress Genevieve